New clothes

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"Okey, Underoos, school starts in a week, you have nothing to wear, we're going shopping!" That was the first thing Tony said when Peter walked into the lab.

"Why? I have a closet full of clothes, I don't need any right now, Mr. Stark," When Tony had said 'hang out' he thought it meant like always in the lab tinkering.

"Yes you do, my personal intern won't go to school dressed like that! And someday the press will start wondering who are you, so we are going to buy you a new wardrobe!" He said not looking up from his room, but pointing one of his tools in Peter's direction.


"No buts," the man put aside his work and turned to Peter, "Let's go!"

They got in the car, while Peter tried to explain that he didn't need new clothes. Tony was not listening and just gave Happy directions.

About 20 minutes later they arrived at the store: "Well, I will let you wander around! Pick what you want and find me when you're done!"

Peter stood there for a while, not sure what to do. Everything there was so expensive. He didn't want Mr. Stark to spend so much money on him. So he did the most logical thing and picked up the cheapest white T-shirt and the cheapest jeans he could find.

"Seriously?" Tony said smirking when Peter showed him what he had gotten, "Nop, we're getting you a new wardrobe, not a new boring T-shirt!"

They didn't notice it but by now there were many reporters outside of the shop.

"But, you don't have to spend so much money on me, Mr. Stark!" Peter now sounded desperate.

"I don't, but I want to, and for how long how I been telling you to quit the Mr. Stark thing?" Peter didn't answer the question.

Tony walked around the store picking anything he found wearable, while Peter was slowly giving up on convincing him not to buy anything.

They went through the fitting rooms and when Tony finally thought they had got enough and Peter thought that they had bought more clothes than he had owned in his lifetime they went to the cash register. Peter looked between the number and his mentor, but Tony seemed unfazed, just took the bags and turned to the exit.

The noise from the paparazzi was overwhelming after the quiet store, everybody was screaming questions and there were lights flashing from the cameras. Peter would have gone into sensory overload if not for Tony's hand that pressed his shoulder.

At first, Tony just tried to get on the other side of the paparazzi, but Happy wasn't here yet and he felt Peter's breathing become faster and faster.

"I will answer your questions when only one of you is speaking!" Tony yelled and despite the shock, Peter was going through, he smiled. Tony reminded him of his teachers.

For a long, while they just stood there, Peter trying to only think about Tony's arm on his back. Tony keeping an emotionless face, until the group of people finally got the message and quieted down.

"Okey," Tony started, "Lady in the front with the pink blouse!"

"Who is this boy?" She asked.

Peter wasn't sure what Mr. Stark was going to say, but Tony went with the truth: "This is Peter Parker. He is my personal intern. Next, the man with the red hair in the back."

"Why are you shopping with him?" The man's voice sounded like he wanted to uncover some dirty secret.

Once again Peter wasn't sure how Tony would answer and he knew that the scene of 'oh, because he doesn't have enough money' was illogical, but it still passed through his mind.

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