Saved (part 3)

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After a few hours, the police called with two news - good and bad. The good news was that May Parker was going to spend the next 10 years in jail. Of course, Tony had already got most of his lawyers working on the sentence being much longer. The bad news – Peter had to go into foster care. Tony hadn't thought about it, he just couldn't think of letting the boy go.

While Peter was sleeping, Tony was trying to figure out how to keep in touch with the kid. 'Should I build some kind of device to contact Peter? Should I make the foster care allow them to meet whenever they wanted? Think, think, think, come on brain, think.' But somehow the genius couldn't see the answer right in front of him.

Peter woke up around 4 pm and watched Tony pace around the room until he decided to sit up.

"Are you alright, Mr. Stark?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, but there is something I have to tell you." Peter tensed up a little bit, the man's voice was quiet but serious, "I want you to know that you didn't do anything wrong and this is in no way your fault, but tomorrow you will go to another place, I will give you the clothes we ordered, and if possible I will try to keep in touch."

Peter tried, tried very hard not to cry, but the tears still appeared in his eyes. As soon as Tony saw them he hugged the boy.

"Don't cry Pete, It's gonna be alright, you're gonna be in a nice family," He said.

"But, I want to stay with you, Mr. Stark, I don't want to go with them," Peter's voice broke.

"I'm sorry, Pete, I'm so sorry, but I don't know if there is anything I can do," Tony said, flinching when the warm tears hit his shirt. He didn't know if saying anything would make it better so he tightened his grip on Peter.

So they stayed like that and even when Peter's eyes were dried out he didn't want to let go, so they didn't, just moved to the couch and wrapped themselves into the blankets. After a while, Tony started humming some melodies, that his mother used to play for him.

Time skip named Brian (✿◠‿◠)

The next day they both didn't want to wake up, but when Peter's belly rumbled, Tony decided to finally get up.

"Good morning, Pete, time to get up and get some food!" The man tried to sound excited even though he wished that today wouldn't have come.

Peter got up unwillingly: "Okey"

Tony made fruit salad with yogurt, he didn't make a big portion since he knew Peter wouldn't be able to eat it all.

"Here you go," He still was trying to sound excited

"Thank you, Mr. Stark," Peter's voice was sad and quiet.

When he watched Peter eat almost all of it, Tony just wished he could spend more time with him and help him get better.

Then he gave Peter the clothes that had finally arrived late yesterday evening. A few minutes after he was dressed Jarvis announced, that The social worker was waiting in the lobby.

Tony really didn't want to go, but he took Peter's hand thinking about how this probably would never happen again, and got into the elevator.

The ride was quiet, but Tony felt Peter squish his hand harder than usual. When they got out of the elevator, since it was Sunday there was only one person in the lobby. They walked up to her and she got up.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, Peter, My name is Caty," She said and Tony couldn't decide if he hated her, because she was taking Peter away from him or because she looked like Dolores Umbridge, maybe both.

"Hi, Caty," Tony said and put one of his paparazzi smiles.

"Well, Peter, let's go!" The man felt Peter flinch at how harsh her voice was and his hate only got bigger. Despite what the woman said Peter didn't let go of Tony's arm.

"But I want to stay with Mr. Stark!" The boy's voice was bearly herable.

Tony guessed she had heard it anyway, because she smirked evilly and said: "No you don't, this man is a drunk, and he's crazy, I will take you where someone will take good care of you."

Peter froze at the women's last words, he understood the meaning when Mr. Stark had explained it to him, but Caty sounded just like aunt May.

Tony wasn't letting Peter go with someone this evil and he finally got what he was supposed to do: "I'm not a drunk and I'm not crazy, I can take care of Peter, I can make sure he always has what he needs, both material things, and emotionally, I will always be there for him, I will make sure he can get the therapy he needs after the abuse he went through, I can adopt him." He rushed his words.

"Right, you can barely take care of yourself and now you're suddenly able to take care of a child?" She sounded like she thought that Tony was just a bug to be crushed under her feet.

"I can! Give me a trial run, anything, I can prove that I can take care of a child!" His voice was desperate and he was grabbing Peters's hand tighter, as if afraid that she will just grab him and pull him away.

"You want a trial run then? I will be back after a month and if Peter here is the smallest bit sad I will take him with me, if he still wants to stay with a drunk like you, he can stay," her voice was cold and uninterested.

"Goodbye, then," Tony said with a calmer voice.

The next month was amazing for both of them. They laughed together and sometimes cried together. Peter got his own room and a therapist to help him. They watched movies and told stories,  they went to the park and ate some sweets and some cheeseburgers, everything was finally okey.

And when Caty came back at the end of the month, Peter could loudly tell her that he wanted to stay with Tony, that he wanted to stay with his dad.

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