The wizard

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Stephen was happy to visit New York again. Pridefully, he opened a portal from his bedroom to a night sky. The clouds were too thick to see the moon, but the air felt too dry for a storm. Only a few months ago this seemed an impossible task, but this evening it was natural, like walking. The man had made a habit of visiting his old apartment or taking long walks once in a while. Tonight, he chose the latter. The streets were flooded with people and there were cars all around. Looking for a calmer place he automatically started searching for emptier, more narrow streets. He let his mind wonder not thinking much about his movements. Then the relative quietness was broken by heavy, uneven breaths and light but tired steps. The man looked for the sound. Soon a small figure bumped into him.

"I'm sorry," The kid mumbled, already turning to get past the man.

"Hey, wait, where are your parents?" the man felt responsible to ask after seeing the tears on their face. Hearing the question, a new wave of tears formed in the kid's eyes. There was no response.

"Alright, what's your name?" The man squatted not to seem as threatening: "My name is..."

He stopped himself from saying dr. Strange not to sound too cold, "Stephen."

He waited for a response, "Peter," after a while of deciding whether to trust this man or not answered the boy.

"Do you have anyone looking for you, Peter?" the man asked. The boy shook his head – no.

"Alright, do you know where you live?"

Peter looked around as if expecting for the door to his apartment to show up, realizing that it won't, scared the boy as he understood that he was lost. Shakily he shook his head again.

At this point the man had no idea what to do whit the kid, he couldn't just leave a six-year-old in the middle of the street.

"How about you come with me? Only until your relatives find you?" He asked.

The boy had been told not to go with strangers, but this  - Stephen seemed nice, and he hadn't got anywhere else to go, now that his parents were... The thought was too terrible to think clearly. He nodded.

After some weird hand twists in front of them in an orange sparkling circle appeared a library in which a man was sitting, listening to music and reading.

"Are you a wizard?" Peter asked, staring at the picture in front of him.

Dr. Strange chuckled: "Something like that."

They stepped through the circle which almost immediately closed behind them. The man who had been reading stood up. Moved his hands, for Peter in a weird manner,  and projected something in the same color as the portal's walls had been.

"Hey, it's just me," Stephen called putting his hands up.

Peter noticed how in the background a song he had heard many times played.

"And who's that?" asked the man pointing with the orange circles at Peter, who hid behind the man.

"This is Peter. Peter this is Wong." Peter blushed and stepped away from Stephen as soon the man - Wong let his hands drop.

"Why did you bring a kid here?" the man didn't seem nice.

"I found him in the middle of New York, all alone, at night-time. What was I supposed to do leave him there?"

"Find somebody, who can take care of him?" The man remained serious.

"I will, but in the meantime, he can stay here."

And so, he did. It took them a month to figure out who he was. Since Dr. Strange was no way in a rush. They found out that the reason for Peter refusing to talk about his parents was that the day the man had found him was the same day when his parents died in a plane crash. His full name was Peter Benjamin Parker. 7 months passed as they found his relatives – aunt and uncle and sorted all the papers. Mostly because, while this was happening Stephen might or might not have thought a 7 – year – old how to project tiny illusions like making your hair appear any color you want or making a drawing move. They might or might not have traveled with portals through different places which they technically shouldn't have gotten into without tickets.

When the time came for Peter to move in with May and Ben the only way, they got him to let go of Stephan was when he promised that the next time they met he would teach Peter how to make portals.

Unfortunately, his aunt and uncle were not overly happy about the idea of him hanging out in some sketchy places for example one that told them that a sorcerer had been taking care of their nephew.

Years later.

"What is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?"

"He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard."

Peter followed the wizard through the city and soon he was being beeped up. There was a small chance, but Peter still wanted to think that the man was Stephen. Even if Tony sent him home, the boy needed to make sure.

"I know what you're gonna say."

"You should not be here!"

"I was gonna go home..."

"I don't want to hear it!"

"But I thought that maybe the wizard is someone I know..."

"And now I have to hear it!"

"And he did so much for me and I just wanted to meet him. But also, this suit is way too amazing not to try out, so if anything it's kind of his and your fault that I'm here."

Both Mr. Stark and the cloak, which was hanging around looked at the boy in a questioning manner, well if cloaks could look.

"I take that back."

They walked for a bit, Tony looking a bit done with life.

"Alright, kid, that's the wizard. What's your plan?"

"That's the wizard. I know him. He thought me how to change the color of my hair."'

"Do you want him to live?" the man didn't let him answer, "focus!"

"Alright, yeah, umm, have you ever seen this really old movie 'aliens?"

The plan, which consisted of distracting the alien blowing a hole in the ship which sucked him into space, and catching dr. Strange as he was being sucked outside of the ship and fixing the hole worked quite well.

Before anyone else started speaking Peter rose his hand, then let it lay on his neck as his mask slid of: "Hi, you're Stephen. Right?"

"Yes, but people usually don't call me that..."

"Well, I don't know if you remember me but a few years ago you took me in when my parents had died and you made sure I had everything I needed, you even thought me magic. You found my aunt and uncle. So, I wanted to say thank you, even if you don't remebre me!" The boy gave him an awkward, but wide smile.

"I did promise to teach you how to make portals. We'll have to work on that when we get back," the man smiled, "of course, I remember you."

Parts of the dialog from Avengers: Infinity War

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