Way down we go (songfic)

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Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve?

'I certainly don't' thought Peter listening to this song come from a club across the street.
Whoa, we get what we deserve

Other people were spending money on fancy drinks, while he couldn't afford to eat.

And way down we go

They were all so good, so deserving of a great life.
Way down we go

And he wasn't.
Say way down we go

Because his parents had died in an accident because nobody cared about him. That was the only reason why he wasn't on the other side of the street.
Way down we go

That was the reason for his only income being strangers who were kind enough to give a homeless 14-year old a few pennies.

You let your feet run wild

The smiling, the laughing, it made him bitter. So he got up and walked away. In his faded T-shirt and his jeans with holes from years of wearing. Those were the only belongings he had.
Time has come as we all, oh, go down

That's when he felt a sting in his shoulder. Instinctively he reached up to destroy whatever caused it and saw a dead spider on his palm. He just hoped this wasn't the reason for him to die.
Yeah but for the fall, ooh, my

The next day he felt like crap. But the day after that, he felt amazing. And soon the boy discovered all the quirks that came from the spider bite. Strength, and stamina, and sticking to thinks, and sensing, hearing things.
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes? Yeah

And all he could think of was revenge.

Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark

Revenge to all the people who had hurt him.
Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall

All the people who had beat him up, just for the fun of it. All the kids walking by, who had laughed at him. All the store owners, who wouldn't let a starving boy take their trash.
And they will run you down, down 'til you go

He was going to beat them up and he was going to laugh while doing it. And he was going to leave them in the dark alleys, not able to move, knowing that no one will come to save them, in the cold, in the dust.
Yeah, so you can't crawl no more

And they were going to bleed all the blood he bled and fell all the pain he had felt.

And way down we go

And so they did. Peter hunted them down one by one.
Way down we go

Leaving behind a trail of begging and bleeding and pain and hopelessness and hunger.
Say way down we go

And he himself left behind all the empathy he felt. Every day the kid became overflown with rage and anger, and the promise to make people suffer.
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall

And the cops tried to catch him but they never did, so after a while, Furry decided to take the matters into his own hands.
Way down we go

The avengers stood in front of the boy, whose once faded clothes were now covered in dark splashes of blood. There were blue circles under his eyes and his ribs were clearly visible.

Oh baby, yeah

They attacked together, but the boy didn't seem to be in distress.
Oh, baby

His blood mixed with the blood of those he had killed, but it didn't stop him.

Finally, the heroes put the boy to the ground, but he didn't seem upset.
Way down we go

Peter smiled. The smile of somebody who knew he would never win, of somebody not afraid to lose.

The smile of somebody broken so many times it was no longer recognizable. Of somebody fallen too many times to count. Somebody hurt and beaten, and lonely.

And way down we go

But there was nothing they could do. He was a killer, a murderer. No matter how young, no matter how bad his childhood was.
Way down we go

So they took him away, locked him up, for everybody else's safety.
Say way down we go, ooh

And the boy who only wanted for somebody to care was gone.
Way down we go

The boy, who only wanted for somebody to care was locked away from anybody who could.

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