Cherries (part 2)

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The avengers were having a picnic in a park. Not any park, no this was the same one in which Peter and Nat used to play when they were kids. The cherry trees were blooming just like when they were kids and even though they weren't riding bikes, the sun was shining just like on the day those years ago when they were. The sky did look strange, a circle above them looked perfectly cut out, without a single cloud, while around it clouds in different shades of gray were placed.

The two siblings had gotten a blanket, lied it right under one of the trees, and were laying peacefully on their backs, looking at the strange sky through the blossoms. Their chest felt filled to the top with something heavy. But heavy in a good way. Like they would finally be filled, no longer missing a part of themselves. Like they would be drenched in honey, but it didn't stick in their hair and didn't make it hard to breathe. It just was there, so sweet. They were so full they couldn't speak, just look happily at the sky and know that the other is right there and will never leave.

Peter knew that somewhere under the thick layer of honey, the thick layer of good and sweet there was a desire for revenge. He wanted to hurt the people who had hurt his sister and wanted to take away from them, what's most important, how they had taken from him. But the boy wouldn't talk about it. He wouldn't be the one to wipe all the honey away. No, he wouldn't do that to her.

Peter hadn't even noticed, his palms curling up in fists until Nat placed her hand on it: "Peter, relax, I know you want to fight, but I am in peace. I have you now, and the rest of this family," she pointed to the rest of the team, who were scattered around, "I no longer want to visit the past."

Peter stayed quiet. He understood but didn't. Yes, it's alright not to dwell on the past, it is right to move on. But how could she when they hurt her, when they tortured her, made her torture and kill? How can you? He wanted to ask her or himself, he didn't know. How can you just move on? You make it sound so easy. The boy relaxed his palm. Still, stayed quiet. "I know that you are angry and worked up right now, but try to respect that right now, I don't want to be in the past, in that dark place, I got out, and left that place, I will not go back. Now I am with you, my little brother, my chestnut, and I would rather stay here. Do you understand?" Natasha's voice was gentle.

Yes, Peter thought, he understood, didn't particularly agree, but understood and could respect the request. If she could move on, he could try and follow her: "Yes," the boy looked back up at the sky, where the clouds were getting darker and eating the blue stain in the skies.

Soon big raindrops slowly started falling from the sky, both of them smiled, the same smile. Rain and thunderstorms were something they both enjoyed. They let the raindrops, which were falling faster and faster to dance around them, making their hair and clothes wet. And with the same idea in mind, they got up. Why wouldn't you dance in the rain? The rest of the Avengers were up to go take their seats in the car, that's alright, they could wait. Peter watched as Nat performed perfect pirouettes on the wet ground. Noticing the awe in Peter's face she just chuckled and took him by his arm. Both of them span around laughing and jumping into the puddles that soon formed on the ground. And at that moment they were the same children again, in the same old park.

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