Meeting Auntie Tasha

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Peter's hands were hitting the punching bag harder every second. He didn't like being picked on. Today Flash had been really awful. Of course, the few punches healed before he got in the tower, which was now his home. Of course, he showed no resistance. If he wanted to his bully could be on the ground in a matter of seconds. But he could take the punches, and the snarky remarks if it meant that others didn't need to. It still was annoying. That's why he was here destroying the third punching bag in a row.

"You know, you should probably wrap your hands if you don't want to hurt yourself more!" said a female voice scaring Peter a bit. The boy looked down at his arms. His knuckles were bruised and bleeding slightly in some places.

"They'll heal, I don't know how to wrap them anyway," he said whit not much interest in the speaker.

"I'll show you," He heard steps getting closer to him, turned around, and froze. In front of him was a red-haired woman whit hand wraps in her hands.

"I'm sorry, miss. Black widow, you probably wanted to use the punching bags, I – I'm gonna go now, it's a huge pleasure to meet you, thank you for everything you do for others, bye!" Whit every word Peter's voice became higher and he tried to run past her, but the woman stepped in front of him so he would have to stop.

"No, I'm going to teach you how to wrap your hands, since this probably won't be the last time you decide to do this, and I don't want you to get hurt, understood?" She asked taking Peter's hand.

"Yes ma'am," Peter squeaked. Something about her made him afraid to argue. Also afraid to start fanboying about meeting The Black Widow.

"Call me Natasha, or Tasha, what's your name?" Demanding voice.

"P-Peter," When her eyes urged him to continue, "Peter Parker/Stark. It's complicated since when Tony adopted me I wanted to keep my surname, but I also feel like he is my father, so I wanted to take his name too, so now I go to school as Peter Parker and here I'm Peter Stark, sooo, sorry," why did he have to start rambling, and embarrass himself in front of the second coolest person on earth right behind Tony.

For a while, Natasha stared at Peter as if to see if he was done, then spoke: "Alright now look," she started to wrap the cloth around the boy's hand explaining when to go over and under and in between fingers.

"Thank you, miss. Natasha," Peter said when she finished.

"You're welcome, also those punching bags are for those of us without super-strength," she said pointing at the two half-empty bags on the ground, "You should probably use the ones that Steve uses. They're in that pile."

"Oh, okey, I'm sorry," Peter looked down at his feet.

"Stop apologizing, when you have nothing to apologize about," She said, "Also if you want to some time I could teach you some fighting moves."

"That would be awesome!" Peter's voice was full of excitement. He could get lessons from Black Widow. The Black widow.

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