Chapter 13

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oh god I'm gonna die writing this, but i must keep going. ANYWAYS I LEARNED ITS FETTUCCINE?? WTF LMAO
Pico's POV

I eventually finished cooking, and asked Pump to help me set up everything. We decided we would use the living room table. We extended it a little, and got some chairs, as i was warned Echo was coming too. She wanted to talk about Keith, and if he found his 'form' yet. I can't wait to tell her all about it. Skid came up to me earlier, and talked about he can turn into a raptor and stuff, and asked if his mom might be able to do it too. I don't know, well, I'm unsure, but if he can, she possibly could too. I'm not quite sure if it's really just their genetics, but I'll need echo to take a bit of blood and look. It's quite interesting if it could be genetics. Maybe hybrids are formed with different parents? ow, that's weird to think about. But if we can confirm it with the blood, i can probably take some better guesses. we all were about to get our food when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Skid yelled, running over to the door and opening it. "heeey..sorry I'm late, traffic sucked." I heard someone speak. I guess it was echo.

"It's no worries- you came just in time! Foods ready!" Skid spoke. "ahh, that's great. I'll have to owe Pico for this one." I heard her speak. I chucked to myself. I grabbed two bowls, filled them up, and walked out, seeing echo put her hair up in a bun. I sat the bowl infront of where she would sit, and some silverware. "Here ya go. I know you get nervous when alot of people are in the kitchen." I spoke, taking a seat across from her. "Thanks- how did you know that?" She asked. "Pump blew up my phone while I was asleep." She nodded, quietly laughing. While we were all eating, it seemed like Echo was questioning something. "What's up?" I asked. "It's weird how i kinda look like skids mom. she's obviously way cooler than me-" she cut herself off. "you do kinda look like her." I heard Skid speak. This caused Echo to turn away from the table and lean over. I laughed. "Yeah, why do you look like her?" Keith spoke.

"That's the question I'm trying to find the answer to." She spoke, sitting upright again, and eating some more fettuccine. I saw that Pump tapped Lila and quietly spoke to her, causing her to try and not laugh. "wait, wait, Echo, is it?" Lila spoke, causing Echo to point at herself. Lila nodded. "Yeah, that's me." Echo spoke. "It took me until now to realize we look so similar." She spoke. "That's what I'm tryna find out. You're literally the only other person I've seen with purple hair out of my entire existence." She spoke. "Uh..where do you work currently?" Lila asked. "Currently, I'm a student of a Paleontologist. Guess i got my degree, or something. Haven't got it yet." She spoke. "Wait, you dig up dinosaur bones?" She asked, causing Echo to nod. "Yeah. I took the blood and tissue left inside the bone and studied it. Turns out i can make a compy. And i did." She spoke. "hm. Interesting." She spoke, causing Echo to giggle. "Yeah, i know I'm not that interesting..since, from what I heard, you help make blueprints or something?" Echo asked, causing Lila to nod. "Cool. Hey, Keith, how's that form goin?" Echo asked.

"Oh, we actually found it! Pump, show her." Keith spoke, causing Pump to throw Echo his phone, ending up with her catching it, and looking at the photo. "YOU'RE A HYBRID?" She not tell. Keith nodded, laughing. "Dude, thats amazing!" She spoke, sliding the phone over to Pump. "Awe, thanks." Keith spoke, smiling. "I can tell you have some Compy in you. There's a weird tip where your jaws connect. Still, that's cool to see another hybrid. I'm just a weird Indoraptor." She spoke, before continuing to eat. Eventually, everyone just talked about some weird topics. Eventually, Lila brung up something, causing Echo to laugh at how everyone was talking about the one stupid thing going on in the town, at the moment. "So, Lila, how did ya get here?" Echo asked. "We walked." Lila started. "Car broke down." Skid finished. "oh. Well, i can drive you guys home! if you don't mind." Echo offered, getting nervous.

"Oh, that would be great! Thank you." Lila thanked her. "Oh, it's no problem really. Hope you guys don't mind i have to stop for something on the way." Echo spoke. "What's it for?" I asked. "I gotta pick up my revolver. I customized it and it finally came in." She responded. "IS IT A SPOOKY GUN??" Skid and Pump yelled. "Yeah, it's spooky." She responded, taking everyone's empty bowls. She decided she wanted to wash the dishes as thanks. Keith tried to tell her it's okay, as she's a guest, but she wouldn't budge. Eventually after she finished, she drove Lila and Skid home. I set everything back to normal with Keith, and we both sat on the couch. I hugged onto Keith, as we watched the news. Apparently Cassandra was found at SeaWorld?? What's up with that? I dunno. There was suddenly a knock at the door, so I let go of Keith, and went over. "Who may it be?" I asked. "Keith's mother." I heard a feminine voice behind the door. I opened the door, and greeted her inside. "Nice house we have here..who bought it?" She asked. "Keith did, but I eventually moved in and we split the taxes." I spoke. "Interesting." She spoke. She was a head shorter than me, had hair that went to the middle of her back. Brown hair. She wore all black, except her shirt, which was a grey hue. I heard footsteps. It was Pump. "Ooooh! A child! What may your name be?" She asked, and Pump went over to her.

"Pumps the name, what's yours?" He asked, sounding as he was suspicious of this new person in his home. "Vamera." She spoke. "nice name." He spoke, before eventually running behind me and climbing up and staying on my shoulders. "Anyway.. I've come to get my son back." She spoke, pointing at Keith. "There's no way you're related to him. You're either the Spinosaurus or the Dilophosaurus in his chain." I spoke. "Yeah!" Pump followed. "oh, shut it, you don't know what you're talking about." Vamera spoke, looking at Pump. "you do NOT TALK TO MY CHILD LIKE THAT." I raised my voice, getting defensive of Pump. "you call that FREAK your child? He's just a no good child that murdered a bunch of people!" She spoke back to me. "HE WAS ONLY TRYING TO SURVIVE." I yelled. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHATS UNDER THAT DAMN MASK." She yelled back. Pump took off his pumpkin, throwing it over to Keith, who caught it. He jumped down from me, and Turned into a raptor, pushing her back, standing infront of me. "and YOU DONT YELL AT MY DAD!" He yelled. I saw that Keith got up, and went over to Pump, gently hugging him, trying to calm him down. He eventually calmed down, and hugged onto Keith after turning back to normal. "It's okay. She won't dare hurt you." He spoke, looking back at his mother. "Come on, Keith, it's time to stop playing house, and come home." Vamera spoke, holding her hand out to him. Pump tightened his grip. "I'm not going back." He spoke.

"What?" Vamera responded. "I'm not going back. You beat me to near death, hell, you tried to kill me just because you were scared if the 'genes' would kick in." He spoke. "alright, alright, let's settle this outside." I spoke, putting pump on my back, and dragging them outside. They got up. "I was only protecting you from becoming like me and your father.." she spoke, trying to win Keith over. "OH, REALLY? SINCE WHEN WAS A DILOPHOSAURUS SO DAMN STUPID? HELL, YOU EVEN TREATED THE CAT BETTER THAN ME, AND EVEN THE CAT WAS MY ONLY FRIEND!" Keith yelled. She huffed. "ATLEAST YOU DIDN'T BECOME SOME MONSTER!" She yelled back. "YEAH, LIKE YOU!" he yelled back. "Dad..just calm down.." Pump spoke, getting down from my back, and walking over to Keith, hugging onto him. "OH? YOU'RE THIS THINGS FATHER TOO? AND YOU'RE DATING HIM?" She yelled, pointing at me. "YEAH, AND I TREATED HIM WAY BETTER THAN YOU EVER DID, YOU BITCH." I yelled. I thought for a moment. If she's the Dilo, that means her Father is a Spino, but where did the Compy come from?

sorry if you wanted her to be nice if you really wanted to see her, i apologize for that, but we can't have fluff all the time, sadly. I don't know if I'll want to solve the mystery on Echos parents anytime soon, but i might. If you ask about them, i'll just respond with "ITS SPOOKY MONTH". yeah, I'm not giving spoilers, i don't wanna lmao

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