Chapter 15

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I've been debating whether I should watch more stranger things or write, but I'm on a couch so i can do both. This chapter mentions suicide.
Pump's POV

I was walking over to Skids house- Lila went out, so I'd be taking her place for a while. Well, since Skid called me over. It was nice out, the sun gently shining on my face. The sun was setting, the orange sky looked beautiful. On the top, i could see a few stars, but that's all there was. The clouds wanted to block them tonight, it seemed. I haven't seen the three in a while. I suppose they moved, like they said they would. Hey, atleast i won't get a bat to the face. The sidewalk had a nice, small orange glow. It grew lighter where I took a step. Like, i put my foot down, it sends a cool wave of lighter orange. Like my path is lighting up, or something. I like that, it's just really cool to me, even though I might just be seeing things. The bag was a simple one. Like a backpack. No zipper, but a flap that went over to cover, and would tie to a metal piece that stuck out, with leather. Yeah, that sounded weird, but that was the best way to make sure it stayed closed. I pulled out my phone, and texted Pico.

(KEY: Orange - Pico
Pumpkin - Pump)

pumpkin: how's it goin

orange: doin great hbu

pumpkin: dying, thanks for asking

orange: what the fuck you okay?

pumpkin: yeah I'm okay it's just cold out

orange: dude it's 75 out

pumpkin: yeah that's cold as fuck

orange: i swear you're too much like echo and your dad

pumpkin: yeah and that's kinda sus she ain't in the fam

orange: stfu she's a nice kid


orange: yeah ok weirdo

pumpkin: anyway I'm spending the night with skid cause his mom went on a business trip

orange: aight..shall i be the food supplier?

pumpkin: stfu i have my own money

orange: geez okay, getting feisty

pumpkin: you get like that too, you just do it when you're at the mall

orange: not my fault someone gripped your dad's ass

pumpkin: yeah so kill them

orange: yeah that's what I wanted to do. Have fun weirdo

pumpkin: lmao yeah love you too dad. also get the guy some macaroni. He's probably scarred from the incident.

orange: will do
I put my phone in my pocket, and sighed. Already been about twenty minutes, and I'm still not there. How far was his house? It seemed like forever. I eventually made it there, and knocked on the door. The door opened after a few minutes, revealing Skid. He let me in, so i sat on the couch. He had a long sleeve shirt on and black pants. I just sat here cause i didn't have my pumpkin with me. I felt like i should leave it at home. We both eventually set up a table and played chess. There literally wasn't anything else. "aaaaaand..boom, i beat you." Skid spoke, laughing as i leaned back, stressed, not knowing how the hell he beat me. "You did well soldier. here's your dollar." I spoke, sitting back up, and giving him a dollar. He put it in his pocket. "Thanks." He spoke. "No problem." I smiled, pulling out my phone, and sending pico a picture, captioned with 'i told you, give me my five when i get home', before putting away my phone again. "alright mister, what next?" I asked. "i really don't know, what time is it?" Skid asked, so i looked over at the clock. "Eight." I responded. "Perfect. As soon as we clean up the board, we're gonna do somethin." Skid spoke, i agreed, and we cleaned up the board, and sat it away in the closet. He grabbed a small box, and lead me outside. I saw a firepit. I helped Skid gather wood, and put it in the Firepit. "Okay, so like this, it'll keep it going.." Skid wondered. "yeah." I responded, pouring some gas on the wood. Skid pulled out a match, lit it, and threw it on the wood. The gas caused it to light, a big burst of flame before calming down, and burning the wood.

I layed down the towel and sat by the fire, watching as it spread it's gentle light. I know it can hurt me, yeah, but it just looks cool. Plus, it's night, so..i pulled out a small notebook, and a pencil, and started drawing. Skid sat down next to me, as i guess he's watching the fire. "Whatcha drawin?" He asked. "Us." I simply responded. He pat my back, and looked back at the fire. We eventually just..talked about some things. Just being us. Nothing else to it. He eventually went back inside, but i decided to stay by the fire, and draw a bit more. I eventually finished, and got up. The fire was dying down terribly. I put the notebook and pencil away, and walked inside. Skid was no where to be seen. "Skid?" I called out. No response. I tried again, but louder. "SKID!" But no response. I heard something from upstairs. But it was a small noise. I slowly went up the stairs. The noise got a bit louder. I went over to Skids door, and gently put my ear against the door. 'so that's where it's coming from.' i thought. "Skid? You okay?" I asked. I didn't get an answer. I slowly opened the door, and looked around, to see Skid hanging from the ceiling. He was choking from how tight he made the rope. i smacked my bag down, and pulled out a knife. I grabbed the stool, got on, and started cutting the rope around his neck. It eventually let him go, and i grabbed him before he dropped to the ground. I threw the knife down, and went over to his bed, and layed him down. I looked at his neck. It was red, and indented from the rope. It wasn't purple, like a bruise usually is. Weird.

atleast he's okay now.

His breathing was heavy, so i held his hand, rubbing it with my thumb. "Calm down, bud, it's alright." I tried to calm him the best i could. He eventually did. He was quiet, gripping my hand, and keeping his eyes closed. I knew he was still awake. Was he scared? "Hey, you okay?" I asked. I know that's a stupid question, but i was worried from how quiet he was. He let go of my hand, and sat up. He looked over at me, right before hugging me, keeping a tight grip. "I'm sorry-" he choked out, as he started crying. "It's okay-" i was cut off. "NO, IT ISNT!" He yelled. "I tried to kill myself, Pump. I would have left this world, you, mom, every one else, just because I felt stupid, and bothersome, and worthless to you all." He spoke. "We don't find you to be stupid, or bothersome, or annoying. We find you to be sweet, and kind, and honestly, you can be funny as heck." I spoke, starting to tear up. "We all think you're amazing. If you left this world, I'd be crying every day about it. Probably even your mom would get even more depressed. She lost your dad, she doesn't want to lose you too. You're literally the light of her life. She loves you alot. That's why she works so hard. So she can see that smile on your face every day." I finished. He kept crying, but his grip got as tight as it could on my back. "You wanna call someone, since your mom's out of state?" I asked, and he nodded. "I think Pico is making food for Keith right now, and i literally can't help much. Echo okay?" I asked. He nodded again. I let go, and he did too. I pulled out my phone, and made a call.

I CRIED SO HARD MAKING THAT HSBDNDNSJDKSKXNF i hope u cried if u really like these kids cause i sure as hell cried

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