Chapter 18

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nothing here lmao, yeah, i'm always taking questions and stuff. talk shit if you wanna i already know this book sucks. My discord is still available. i haven't changed it. probably wont for a while lmao
(still on Echo)

I reached for it, and pulled out a lighter. I put on a glove, and lit the fire just above the glove. I eventually turned off the lighter, and sat it aside, as i was now holding a bit of fire. Yeah, it's cool how these gloves work. I moved my hand around, watching the flame move with my hand. I eventually closed my hand, and opened it, the flame now gone. I took it off, and sat it back aside after a few minutes. I opened a small compartment to my side, and pulled out a can of beer. I opened it, and took a sip. I sat there for a few hours, drinking. That's all i did.


I eventually went inside after locking the jetta. I threw away the can, feeling drowsy from staying up for so long. I grabbed my phone, and looked at the time. One in the morning. I took it upstairs with me, and went in my room. I sat it on the nightstand, and layed down in bed, and covered up. I shivered, but eventually fell asleep.


(might use / as timeskip cause i somethimes i'll feel like i use timeskip too much) 

I woke up, yawning. I heard my phone yell 'Its spooky month!' over and over again. yeah, thats my ringtone. I grabbed my phone, and saw it was Pico. I picked up. "what the fuck do you want?" I yawned again. "Where's my kid at?" He asked. "i think he's either asleep or downstairs. why, what time is it? you ruined my day long nap." I responded. "Echo, it's literally one in the afternoon." He spoke. "mmm..yeah, okay." I yawned out. "give me a while. I'll bring him over, but im bringing Skid, he's been tired as hell lately and i don't want him rolling down the stairs." I spoke. "alright then. See ya." he spoke. "WAIT!" I yelled out. "what?" He asked. "go smack Keith's ass." I started laughing, hanging up, and setting my phone aside. 

I got up, and changed into black pants, and a heavy black sweater. Yeah, im cold. I slipped on some shoes, and went downstairs, seeing Pump on the couch. Asleep? I went over and shook him awake. "hey, weirdo, get your bag, i gotta take you home." I spoke. He eventually woke up. "just five more minutes?" he asked. "stop being like me. it won't get ya anywhere other than cheese magically appearing in your fridge." I laughed out. "well, go ahead and grab your bag, your dad is getting bitchy." I spoke. "which one?" he asked. "the one that's way too tall." I replied. "You're way too tall." He spoke. I nodded my head. "yeah, i am." I replied. He got up, and went upstairs, and i heard a door or two close. I went upstairs, and did whatever i had to do. I went over to the guest room, and shook Skid awake. "hm?" He hummed tiredly.

"do whatcha do in the morning and you can go back to sleep. I'm taking Pump home." I spoke. He nodded, and got up, and i left the room, shutting the door behind me. I went back in my room, and sat down, looking through my phone. After a while, i heard my door open, and light footsteps walk towards me. Pump's footsteps aren't as light, so i assume it's Skid. "hi there, buddy." I spoke. "hi.." He trailed off, getting on the bed, and leaning against me, yawning. I snickered. I noticed Lila seemed to text me last night. She was worried. I sent her a picture of Skid and i, telling her, 'hey, he's alright. he's been tired as hell lately after what happened, but he'll be alright when you come back.'. I hope she's doing okay, as well. I've been tired, too. I gently pat Skid's head, and he went limp. I checked his pulse, as i got a bit scared. He just fell asleep. I put my phone in my pocket, and picked him up, and stood. I walked out, and slowly went downstairs, not wanting to drop him. I wasn't scared because there were no railings- i don't use them anyway.

I sat down on the couch, and pulled out my phone. I called up Keith, and luckily, he picked up. "Hey." He spoke. "woooah, hey there!" I started. "whatcha need?" He asked. "oh, yeah, i gotta ask you, you and Pico going anywhere today?" I asked. I heard him hum, thinking. "I believe we aren't. How come?" He responded. "oh, thats good. Cause i have no idea when im getting Pump over there." I laughed. He laughed as well. "well, he isn't too pushy like me sometimes, so, you should be alright." He spoke. "and i thought i was buggy." I spoke, and we both burst out into laughter. "so yeah, Skids staying with me now, and he's been really tired recently. Hell, he's sleeping on me now, and im worried about how easily he falls asleep- he never really falls asleep that fast." I spoke, worry in my voice, the more i spoke. "well, take this from a shorty that got hanged," He began. "when you cut the rope, i felt exhausted. It's like the longer you're on there, the more it grabs your energy, cause he probably did what i did, and tried not to put on so much weight, or..uh.." He started thinking. 

"take your time." I replied. he laughed. "yeah, or, try to keep your neck up or something cause the rope goes down, and your weight just kinda makes it go down more. It strains your neck really bad. has he ever really looked up, or moved his head?" He asked. "he hasn't, unless it's to look at me or Pump, or shuffle around in his sleep." I responded. "Yeah, so he probably strained his neck." He replied. "your boyfriend got mad at me earlier because i slept in." I yawned "woow. typical of him i guess, he doesn't want Pump to go missing, really." He replied. I heard footsteps, before stopping. "Yeah. Pump's a nice kid, you guys are damn lucky to have him. I wouldn't want him to go missing, or get hurt either. So, i get if Pico gets a little overprotective. it's always sad to see a loved one go missing, or get hurt." I responded, thinking back to what happened to my parents. "what happened to your parents anyway?" He asked. "I'll save it for when i get Pump over." I responded. "alright. anything else?" He responded. "uhhh..did Pico smack your ass yet?" I asked.

"no.." he responded, confused. "OH, PICO!" I shouted. "oh god-" Keith spoke, panicking as we both heard loud footsteps. I heard the door open. "HURRY, SMACK HIS ASS BEFORE HE GETS AWAY!" I shouted, laughing. I heard Keith running around, and honestly, thinking about the chase. I heard small laughter. "aight man, i'ma let you deal with your man." I sighed, hanging up, and putting my phone in my pocket. I saw Pump infront of me, with his bag. "we ready?" I asked. He nodded, and i got up, holding skid with one arm, and grabbing my keys, walking out. I got in the car, and rested Skid on my lap, putting on my seatbelt. I heard the back door shut, and the front door shut, as Pump got in the passenger seat. I closed my door, and we went on our way. "sooo, hows your family been?" I asked. "well, they're doing alright, from what i see." he spoke. "well, how about you?" I asked. "oh- me?" He asked, and i nodded. "oh, okay." He replied, getting nervous. "you worried about Skid?" I asked. I saw him nod in the corner of my eye. "well, lemme tell you something." I spoke. "don't let it overwhelm you too much. I did that once, something happened..and it was NOT good." I spoke. "what happened?" He asked. I sighed.

"it was a friend," i started. "He was a nice guy. I was thirteen at the time. he was fourteen. I got really worried about him. He nearly got murdered so many times. He even tried to kill himself, and he went to therapy. I was at his house. We were playing games in the basement. You know..Maybe a Wii. He didn't have the newer consoles. Just old relics of past. I still liked them though. Shouldn't discard a console because its old, and has bad graphics. I even have some. Like, a gamecube. onto the story, someone broke in, and he got murdered. I guess after all that time, it caught up to him." I finished. "what was his name?" He asked. "his name? i believe it was Jay." I replied. "im..sorry he died." He apologized. "it's okay. i'm sure he's at rest now." I replied. The ride to his house was silent for a while. "hey. How's Keith been?" I asked. "Tired. Burnt out. I've seen some of his drawings. I have pictures." He spoke. I signaled for him to link his phone to the car. He plugged it in, and i looked around. "I modified the car to do some other stuff. give me the numbers it starts with. if you can remember." I spoke. "eleven, thirteen." He spoke. I typed in the numbers, and looked through the drawings. Horrid. Dark drawings..the shading was pure darkness. Blood...


Only a few seemed to be a bit brighter. And those were drawings of Pico. Like, for example on one..Pico hiding in a tree, in the woods, holding a sniper. I guess that one was him hunting? I can see him doing that. "has he seemed..i dunno..more sad lately?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road. "Yeah." He responded. "this is weird, but doesn't he have a sister?" I asked. "not that i know of, no." He responded. "hold on, i'll ask Pico." I spoke, grabbing my phone, flickering my eyes over to the screen after a few seconds, and back to the road. I called Pico, and sat the phone down. He picked up. "smacked his ass." He greeted, causing Pump to laugh. "WOOOOOOAH! THERE'S MY LITTLE MANS LAUGH!" Pico spoke, causing Pump to laugh even more. "i hear snoring, did she fall asleep on the road?" He asked. "no, thats Skid. surprised you hear it, it's very light." I spoke. "first time he's ever done it really." Pump spoke as well. "woah. somethings going on. anyway, whatcha need?" Pico asked. "i needed to ask if your boyfriend has a sister." I spoke. i heard him hum. "oh, yeah. He does. She's literally the only person in his family he actually respected and liked. I think he still talks to her." He explained.

"Yeah, well, he's drawin' some weird shit, Pico." I spoke. "yeah, and it's WAY more brutal than what he draws. whenever i hear him talk, he sounds like he misses someone." Pump explained. "yeah, i think he lost contact with his sister. I'm an only child so i dunno how that feels like." I spoke, trying not to laugh. He chuckled. "yeah, me too. i dunno either. Have you ever talked to her?" He asked. "uh..i think..i saw her with him way back before i met you guys." I spoke, trying to remember. "you have her number?" He asked. "uhhh..i think i do, i forgot he made a group chat of us three. Sorry you're left out Pico." I spoke. "ahh, it's okay. You talk to her though?" He asked.

"yeah. She's a damn nice person, lemme tell you that. I don't think she lives too far from y'alls house, so should i tell her to go over? bet she'll be proud her lil' bro has a family now." we all laughed. "yeah. go ahead and do that. I think he would be really happy. don't leave immediately though, due to skid, i think she would want to meet you in person." Pico spoke. "HOLY SHIT, I FORGOT SHE NEVER SAW ME BEFORE!" i yelled out, causing Pico to laugh like crazy. "Yeah, go ahead and call her over. i'll be here making Keith some spaghettios, he hasn't eaten all day." He spoke. "fuck yeah, i'll call her. thanks for talking with me for no reason at all." I replied. "no problem. bye, echo." He spoke. "byeee!" Pump sounded excited. "bye Pump!" He spoke, before hanging up. "you ready?" I asked. He nodded, and i handed over my phone. "look for her driving." I paused to yawn. 

I heard the small ringing noise. I started getting nervous. I haven't talked to her for a while. She's a nice person. She's shorter than me, 5"7. She's a nice person. She never understood why her brother could sing so high. I don't really know either, but it's cool he can. Having a mix on voice can kinda help, i suppose. I dunno. I don't sing unless its for the concerts, or making music with Skid and Pump.


I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WENT OVER 2000 WORDS BAHAHHAUFDISH WOW okay, see y'all next chapter, i literally cant WAIT to make this conversation lmao

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