Chapter 21

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holy SHIT i made the last chapter damn long. i don't know why, but i had the feeling i needed too. I don't like how i made Echo kinda give in the dress thing, cause, she isn't the type to really go look for a dress to force on someone..unlike Jula- but yeah. Can't wait to make the proposal n shit. this is really gonna be my first time writing a proposal in any of my stories. I don't know if I'll make smut in here. First time writing it my pen and book, i didn't know how to finish it so i locked it off for good. I still have that book, and i despise the horrible writing. Even i did better in this book.

Picos POV (felt like you had enough of Echo.)

I gently held the small box in my hands, as i walked out of the store. I stood outside by the door, shaking. I had a sweater on, pants, sure, but DAMN I'm still cold. (it's hot as hell most of the time where I live and I'm STILL cold) I messed with my hair a little, and started thinking. What if he rejected? I was scared. A car eventually pulled up, and Echo rolled down the window. "Hop in ginger, you gotta get yourself a new husband." She spoke, Jula laughing a little. It's nice to know they get along. I immediately hopped in the back seat, and shut the door, putting on my seatbelt. Jula immediately started driving. "Alright!" Echo started. "Where we gonna hide the tux?" Jula finished. "bitch, you knew exactly what I was gonna ask.." Echo trailed off, and i laughed a little.

"hm. I dunno. Launch it in my window, i suppose." I replied, shrugging. "nevermind, I'm gonna sneak it in your closet." Echo sighed. i assumed she was disappointed. We all talked, until we got to our destination. We all got out of the car, and i gently put the box in my pocket. I knocked on the door. Keith opened said door, and immediately hugged me, and showering me with affection, before we went inside. Echo sat on the couch, and Skid and Pump immediately went over, and talked with Jula a little. Keith and i stood in the middle of the room, talking. I eventually, signaled Echo and Jula, who got Skid and Pump to quiet down, and look over. I took a deep breath. My arms and legs started to shake in fear of rejection. "K-Keith.." i spoke, my voice shaky as hell. He hummed, and i gently gripped the box. I pulled it out, hiding it with my hands.

I got on one knee, and opened the box, kinda holding it out to him. "w-will you..m-marry me?" I spoke, my voice trembling. Keith seemed shocked at what i was doing. He started crying. "Yes, yes i will!" He exclaimed, crying happily. Skid and Pump cheered, and Keith came down to hug me. I shut the box, so the ring wouldn't fall out, and hugged him back. He cried into my shoulder, gripping me tight. He pulled away, and looked at me, and i smiled at him. He immediately pulled me into a kiss, and used his hat to hide our faces. I heard the kids gasp. I pulled back, and he put the hat back on, and we looked at each other. Damn, he was beautiful. I gently put a hand on his cheek, and he gently put his hand over mine. I gently rubbed his cheek with my thumb, and he giggled. "god dammit, i love you so much." I spoke, and he replied with, "bitch i love you too." And i started crying too. "so, boys..when's the wedding?" Jula asked "awe shit, i forgot we had to plan that.." i trailed off. Echo picked us up, and sat us on the couch, and pushed the table a bit closer, and went to grab some stuff. "Are we really gonna let her be the wedding planner with us?" I asked. "I've seen the shit she can do, hun." Jula responded.

"oh god i can already-" i was cut off my Keith. "Shush, she isn't like that." We then laughed. She came back out with some cards, and paper. "Stole the cards from Senpai." She spoke. We then started to plan where we would have it. It feels weird to be planning this early. "ooo..maybe on a field?" Keith asked. "that would work nice, if it isn't in summer. What season are we in?" Echo asked. "uhh...we're in spring." Jula spoke. "shit." Echo replied, making me laugh. "Well..obviously not a beach." Keith replied, scratching something out. "I have an Idea." Jula started, and we all looked over at her. "Building on a beach." She spoke. "HELL NO!" Pump yelled, running over. "Better idea. Since you guys want it early, just do it by that lake you guys went to. It's open enough to where you won't get bit by bugs by the lake." Pump explained. "Will it be spooky?" Skid asked. "Uhm, i dunno.." Keith trailed off. "It's a wedding, but, if you had your wedding i bet it would be." I spoke. Skid immediately blushed. Yeah, the both of em we're eleven. They weirdly shared the same birthday. "OOOH, DAMN!" Keith just realized. "Y'all's birthday is coming up! My little boys growing up!" Keith exclaimed, grabbing Pump and pulling his close, hugging him to the point where he's basically about to suffocate. "daaaad.." Pump muffled. "oops, sorry." Keith apologized, letting go. "We're gonna be tweeeelve!" Skid exclaimed, hugging onto Pump. Pump hugged back.

"They're growin up so fast, I'm gonna miss when they were this small and adorable." Echo spoke, sniffing, and looking down. "Awe shush, we'll still be shorter than you." Pump spoke, causing Echo to laugh. "You guys are literally the only people i talk too, all of you. My professors a bitch, and everyone's so fuckin STUPIIIID" Echo groaned, falling back on the ground. I laughed. "The fuckers keep making fun of my music taste, likes fuck off, I'm in a band with some of my favorite people in the fuckin world." She finished, causing Skid to aww. "You kids are amazing, literally. You guys still have the weird child like wonder i lost when i was your age." Echo yawned. She got back up, and rubbed her back. "Stings?" I asked, and she nodded. "Aight, yeah, we'll plan it in the summer. I'll help pay for stuff. Let's keep it basic, Keith might get overwhelmed if it's too fancy." Echo spoke, causing Jula to smack her hand, Echo removing her hand from the table. "Bitch shut up, I'll help pay, you don't need to do shit, you bought the fucker a tux and some other shit, you gotta save yo money." Jula spoke. "alright, but I'm not helping ya." Echo spoke walking off. "nooo, come baaaack!" Jula pleaded, reaching her hand out, as Echo walked off into the kitchen. "damn, look what you've done." Skid spoke. "disappointing." Keith and Pump added.

We all shook our head, but suddenly, Senpai walked in. "y'know, you-" Senpai was cut off. "stop tryna flirt with me, i know I'm lonely, but damn you gotta practice your flirting skills." Echo laughed, causing Senpai to come sit over by me. He helped us a little with design. Not too fancy, it was just perfect for us. I gave him a fist bump, which he returned. "Damn, you gave it that nice final touch." I..complimented in a way. "What can I say? I helped a few NPCs with their weddings." Senpai replied, chuckling. Echo laughed. "Damn, i can see it.." Jula started thinking. "whaaat the fuck are you thinking about?" Echo questioned. "You and Senpai." Jula responded, causing Echo to back up, and fall over, sitting back up, and backing away. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" Echo shouted, causing Jula to laugh like crazy. "hmm..i can think of it too." Keith added. Echo immediately scurried up, and went back out to Jula's car. She came back in, wearing boots similar to Jula's, but didn't add so much height. "Think about it and i crush your balls." Echo threatened Senpai. "you would never." Senpai responded. "thinkin of it riiight now.." Senpai trailed off. I grabbed out my phone, and started recording.

Echo threw him on the ground, and backed up. She ran, and landed on his balls, causing him to scream. Skid and Pump started laughing, but Jula was laughing like shit crazy. Echo bent over him, and asked, "we done here?", Earning a nod from Senpai, and she helped him up. (Seems a bit off character but i wanted it to happen.) Senpai fell on the couch. "Daaamn. We tried to tell ya.." Keith started. "Yeah, be lucky your balls aren't THAT fucked up." Jula and i spoke at the same time, causing Echo to snicker. "Hey, idea. What month is it?" I asked. "April." Skid responded. "Heeey..y'all's birthdays are in June! We could plan it on y'all's birthday, and you guys can join us cutting the cake!" I spoke. "hell yeah! And after the wedding, we can do some stuff together!" Skid and Pump yelled, causing me to smile. "Alright. Keith, you're coming with me, we're gettin' you some stuff for the wedding, that YOU'RE gonna need." Echo spoke. Jula threw Echo the keys to the car, and she caught them. "You go ahead and drive him." Jula spoke, and Echo nodded. "Alright, then. Let's do this." Echo spoke, walking out the door with Keith.


I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THE PROPOSAL I- DBSNSNJDDJSNCN i did a good job i think, usually when i write proposals, which was only twice, was TRAAASH. i did so much better with this one lmao

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