Chapter 19

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okay so maybe before or after this chapter gets out, i'll draw bf again and make it the cover since my drawing skills improved a whole bunch, and i'm really happy about it. thanks for staying this long. this book might go on forever i dunno lmao
Pump's POV (felt like you guys might be tired of so much Echo. I was running out on her anyway lmao, she's just me but tall and better. i'm like 5"1 or something i dunno im still getting taller)

I looked around her contacts. I noticed one was named 'bitch got drip'. I quietly laughed, and continued looking through. "her contacts picture, i believe, is a thunderjaw. I couldn't find anything, but i like labeling contacts by machines. don't tell your father he's a watcher." She spoke, and i laughed. "i won't tell him." I replied, and i heard a sigh of relief from her. I eventually found the contact. The name was empty, other than..what seemed like a number code. I didn't feel like decoding right now. I was excited about this new person. I hit the call button, the speakers played the ringing noises, as i set Echo's phone down. 

I saw as she started gripping the wheel, and her expression seemed..scared..anxious. I was worried. But, i'm sure she'll get through it. She picked up. "hey, Echo! been a while." I heard a voice speak. "hey there, April." Echo spoke. "woah, you okay? you seem nervous." The voice spoke again. "yeah, i'm okay. I'm driving and im here going 'oh god she wont remember me and think im a weirdo' and that kinda stuff." Echo replied, laughing. April, her name was? nice name. April laughed as well. "well, it's cool we're speaking again!" April spoke, happiness in her voice. "Have you..been speaking to your brother lately?" Echo asked. Her voice shook. "uhm..not for a long time. why? you kiss him or something?" She asked, causing me to burst out laughing. "nah, i didn't, shush. I would never." Echo responded. "ahh, i was just joking. I know you've only known him for a few weeks. also, i hear another voice, who is it?" She asked. I started getting nervous myself.

"well, your brother, Keith, is dating someone now. you know someone named Pico?" Echo asked. "oooh! he was that kid from that school shooting! i think i've seen him once." She replied. "yeah, well, your brothers dating him." Echo replied. "WOOOOAH! DAMN! I THOUGHT HE WOULD BE LONELY FOR A MONTH OR TWO MORE, THATS DAMN QUICK!" April yelled out, causing all three of us to laugh. "yeah, so, i'm in a band with Skid and Pump, right? well, turns out Pump had no parents, abandoned in the woods, found with Skid, both shot. eventually Pico and your brother took him in as their own." Echo explained. I heard sniffling. "i'm so damn proud." April spoke out. Echo laughed again. "i know you aren't too far from Keiths house. I'm sure you know the address, right?" Echo asked. We heard a 'mhm!' from April. "i'll meet you there, sound good?" Echo asked. "fuck yeah, i'll be there!" April spoke.

she seemed really excited.

"alright. i'll leave you to get ready. bye." Echo spoke. "bye!" April replied, and Echo hung up. She sighed. "she's so damn bright, and i'm over here like 'gimme cheese or death'." Echo spoke. I tried not to laugh. "finally, we're here.." Echo trailed off, yawning. She parked in the driveway, and we got out. I helped her with the door after i grabbed my bag. We went inside, and Pico heard, i guess, and he ran downstairs, and went over to me, and hugged me. I put my bag down, and he picked me up, holding me close. I hugged back. "hi dad." I spoke. "i fucking missed you, ya damn chicken nugget." Pico spoke. I laughed. "says the living orange." I responded, causing him to gasp. "he's getting up to my level.." Pico fake cried, before laughing. He eventually set me down, so i could go upstairs. I went up to my room, and sat the bag in the corner. I sat down in bed, and grabbed my phone. I looked through my messages. 

Spammed. Again.

I blocked the number, and sat my phone aside, and brushed my hair a little, before going downstairs. Keith eventually came out, yawning. I was by Echo when he came down. I ran over to him, and hugged him tight. He panicked, as i guessed he wasn't so aware. "hi buddy.." Keith spoke, hugging back. "i missed you." I spoke. "awe..he missed me." Keith responded. I smiled. "of course i did, i love you, dad." I replied. I heard sniffles. "i fuckin missed you, c'mere." Keith spoke, bringing me closer, and hugging me tighter. I tightened my grip. He gently rubbed my back. 

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