Chapter 31

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I might make a new book. It's all surrounded on Skid and Pump, trying to survive in a new world. One that's destroyed. Nearly a wasteland. This would include the Primal AU, but they can't even form into raptors unless it's a fuse. they struggle to even live through the wasteland. Barely any food. Keith and Pico gone, leading Pump into a depression, Skids worse from the loss of his mother. it seems like a cool thing to write. I'm not too sure yet.


Skids POV

Pumps still not talking. He's playing Horizon, though. He's just focusing, and I'm watching him play. He just seems to be trapped into it. The one time he talked was when he wished me a good night. His voice was raspy, and quiet. He can't even sleep without holding onto something, or someone now. Echos been worried about him, sending me a bunch of texts asking if he's okay. Luckily during the night when my phone was off. Keith walked in, sitting down my me. We both watched him fight a Frostclaw. We both cheered after he defeated it, Keith and i sharing a high-five. I saw Pump smile for the first time since a near week ago.

"kid..can you talk..?" Keith asked. Pump looked over, and shook his head. He shook his hand by his throat, pointed to his mouth, pointing to Skid. "ah..don't trust me yet..i get it. I used to be like that. You can only trust the one person you've known what seems like forever. I hope you get better." Keith spoke, holding his arms out, asking for a hug. Pump leaned against him, wrapping his arms around him. Keith wrapped one arm around him, and gently felt Pumps hair with his other hand. I looked at Keith's sad expression. "'s gonna be okay. He'll get better soon." I spoke out, putting a hand on Keith's shoulder. He looked up at me, and nodded. The two eventually let go. Keith walked over to the door, opening it. Pico stood there, towering over Keith. He let Pico step in, before walking out.

Pico came over to Pump. He looked up at him, confused. Pico sat down by Pump, patting his head. Pump let out a small giggle. Raspy one, but.. heartwarming. Pico smiled. "love you, kid." He spoke. Pump smiled in response. "Im sorry i scared you. can't keep hiding away need help..i know it sounds stupid, but.." Pico was cut off, Pump signalling me. Pico tilted his head. Pump hugged me. Pico let out an 'oh' and looked away, thinking. "you can't..." Pico trailed off, trying to find a response. Pump hugged onto me tighter, making me wheeze a little. Pico looked back over. "he's helped me a whole bunch. We know each other. Have forever. He just..trusts me with it because he knows i won't do anything bad with it. I told him a bunch, and it's my turn to return the favor. Right?" I explained. Pump nodded. Pico sighed. "i..okay." Pico gave in. Pump eventually let go, and i talked with Pico. The door opened, Echo running over, and picking up Pump, spinning around, before stopping. "I MISSED YOUUU!" She exclaimed, hugging onto him. Pump muffled something.

She put him down, and put her hands on his cheeks, him smiling. "awee, you're so fuckin cute. look at you!" She admired, and he giggled. She ruffled his hair, standing back up. Echo walked over to Pico. "hi there, orange bastard." She spoke. Pico laughed, and she did too. "so, how's your love life?" He wondered. Echo backed off, huffing. "geez, don't gotta be so pushy." She replied, laughing. "sheees got a girlfrieeend!" I yelled, getting on her back. "well no shit..y'all fuck yet?" Pico asked. "hey, it's my relationship, you've been fucking Keith when this little pumpkins tryna sleep." She spoke, patting Pump. He nodded. Pico sighed, smiling.

"Jesus christ, wait until Senpai finds out..speaking of which..he should be here in three....two...and-" Pico was cut off from the door opening, and Senpai walking over to Echo, handing her a rose. "take this, my fair maiden! As beautiful as you.." he spoke. Echo looked at it, before putting the flower in her mouth. Just the petals, and ripping it off, eating it. "sorry pissy, I'm, this rose tastes good.." She hummed. I snickered. Senpais face was priceless. "i- you're.. taken?" He questioned. She nodded. "i know you'll find love one day. Takes time. For now, let's just stay friends. Cool?" Echo spoke. Senpai smiled and nodded, hugging her. She hugged back, before they both let go. They exchanged numbers. Then we all just talked together. I sat in Echos lap, hugging onto her for most the time. "I swear, you look too much like my mom." I spoke, looking up at her. She shrugged. "maybe im her lost younger sister, or something, i dunno, i haven't taken a genetic test.." she trailed off. "you look like you would." Senpai added on. Keith ran in, signalling for outside.

We all ran out, running to the backyard. A nine foot Dilophosaurus standing before us. I got down, and grabbed Pumps hand. We ran off.


We came back, now a large raptor. Claws, now as white as the moon. We screeched at the Dilophosaurus, making it look at us. We jumped ontop of it, biting at it's neck. It thrashed around, trying to throw us off. We clawed it's throat, before getting thrown off. We were suddenly hit in the face with venom. We screeched in pain, stepping back.

No one's POV

The raptor before everyone was screeching in pain, thrashing it's head around. The dilophosaur ran at it, grabbing it by the neck, smacking it down. The raptor went silent. Keith stepped back, about to cry, in fear that his son, and Skid, had just died. The raptor got up, now just Bones, and vines, small bones where the stems would be. No organs. Just Bones, and Vines. It was nearly terrifying to see. It's eyes gently shone a red hue. It grabbed onto the dilophosaur, slamming it side to side, in a fit of anger, before throwing it to the side. It got up, screeching at the raptor. The raptor screeched back, pouncing on the Dilo, and starting to rip it apart..alive. Pico came in, dragging the raptor away. It thrashed around in his grip. Echo ran over to the Dilo, dragging it off into the forest. She eventually came back, blood on her hands. She seemed to be holding something. Senpai asked what it was, as she went back to where she was standing. "why don't ya see?" She spoke, dropping it.

An eye rolled on the ground, causing Keith to scream. "awe shush, it's not gonna look at ya." She replied, picking it back up, and throwing it into the forest, getting the blood off her hands after. "I NEED HELP HERE!" Pico shouted. Keith ran over, helping to put the Raptor down. They got it on its side, holding it down by the ribs. Pico held it down, as Keith gently put a hand on its head. "Pump..calm's me." Keith spoke. The raptor stopped thrashing around, calming a bit. Pico let go, and slowly backed up, Keith doing the same as it got up. It looked into the tall grass, right before running off. Echo talked with Senpai, making him laugh a few times. Skid walked out from the tall grass, struggling to hold Pump. Echo noticed, and ran over, asking Skid if he's okay. Skid nodded, and she sighed in relief. "cmon, you two go in.." she spoke. They all went in, trying to live through the rest of the day.

I have a nice idea for the next chapter. By the time of finishing this chapter i recently got home from riding on a jetski. It was damn fun, so i have an idea on the next chapter. See you, my lil compys :)

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