Chapter 5: A Burning Hatred

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Chapter 05: A Burning Hatred

He made his way down the halls of his large home, his e/c eyes devoid of emotion as he searched for a room that he knew all too well.

He stopped before said room, bringing his hand up, about to knock before hesitating. He took a deep breath, exhaling through his nose before forcing his knuckles against the cold wood of the door.

"(Name), is that you?"

"It's me," Came the slow reply from (Name), grabbing the doorknob and turning it, walking inside.

"Take a seat, son."

The words rolled off of her tongue in a manner that made (Name)'s brow raise, before making his way towards the seat beside her that she had been motioning to.

"This is Zenin Enkai."

The first thing that (Name) noticed was the name. Zenin.

(Name) looked ahead of him, sitting before a male who looked a bit older than him, light blue hair and soft, yet dangerous golden eyes. A polite smile was written on his face, and (Name) slightly huffed.

"Nice to meet you, (L.Name)."

(Name) clicked his tongue. "Nice to meet you too, Zenin."

"Enkai is fine," He shrugged, pausing momentarily before continuing, "Would you mind if I called you (Name)?"

"I'd prefer it," (Name) spoke, disregarding the side glare he received from his mother.

"Enkai, may I ask you to repeat why you're here?" (M.Name) spoke, taking a sip of her tea.

"Of course," He nodded, standing up from his seat and slowly bowing his head, his voice slowly raising, "I want to ask for your son's- er, your hand in marriage."

(Name)'s expression remained still, before he looked over at his mom who had her eyes gently shut close. "I already told you that I'm not going to do it."

"You should reconsider, (Name)," She frowned, "It's for the benefit of the cla-"

"It doesn't benefit me in any way," (Name) countered as he stood up from his seat, Enkai slowly standing up straight.

"It's your duty as someone of the (L.Name) clan to do what benefits the clan. Not what benefits yourself."

"I'm not doing it. And that's final."

"I don't recall raising someone so selfish," She spoke, and (Name) shrugged.

"Call me what you want, my answer isn't going to change," He had begun to walk towards the door, "I'm sorry Enkai, but no."

Enkai slightly frowned. "That's alright. I understand, (Name). Is there no chance you'll even consider?"

(Name) shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"My apologies, Enkai, I'm sure he'll come around," (M.Name) spoke gently, before turning to face her son, "(Name), come with me to go retrieve the mail."

With a wordless nod, (Name) walked out of the room, Enkai following after them and bidding the pair of mother and son a short farewell before walking out of the (L.Name) abode.

(Name) always disliked the concept of an arranged marriage.

Ever since... well, back then. He wasn't the most open to the idea. He walked out of the (L.Name) residence, and had begun to walk towards one of the neighboring homes that held another branch of the (L.Name) family with his mother at his side.

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