Chapter 29: All Bark No Bite

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Chapter 29: All Bark No Bite

"You? Kill me? I'd like to see you try."

"I'll kill you!" (Name) shouted, his breathing going heavy as he glared down at the older (L.Name) who reached for his side, pulling out a gun and aiming it towards the h/c.

"This brings back memories, huh?" He mused, and (Name)'s brows furrowed.

Focus on the structure of the weapon.

With narrowed eyes, he clamped his hand down into a fist, a large light green bow that resembled Artemis' appearing as he took aim in the direction of the gun, a bright green arrow forming as (Name) shot, the arrowhead firing off into the distance as Kai jerked his hand back and towards him.

"That's an improvement," Artemis commented as she eyed the weapon in (Name)'s hand. Although, he seemed to be transfixed on the man in front of him.

"Artemis!" (Name) shouted the Goddess' name like a command, something that Artemis seemed to understand. She pulled the string of her bow back, firing the arrow as the older (L.Name) seemed to have teleported a bit away, dodging the arrow successfully.

A curse that lets you teleport towards an area where you laid cursed energy. (Name) thought to himself, before dashing forwards. I can take him.

Though, his thoughts were interrupted when the sound of a gun firing resonated through his ears, eyes widened when he glanced down to see a bullet wound in his leg. He cocked his head in the opposite direction to where the man had suddenly appeared, irking when he reloaded the gun and went to fire, pulling the trigger without hesitation. (Name) was about to move out of the way before Artemis shot at the bullet, a frown on her face.

"I knew something was up...," Artemis mumbled, "He already laid cursed energy everywhere. He was planning to fight."

"Oi, (Name)!" Ares suddenly shouted from the (L.Name) residence, bloodshot eyes widened in bloodlust as he ran maniacally towards Kai, "I can kill him, can't I?"

(Name) glanced at the God of war, not even thinking before nodding. "Kill him."

Ares smiled in delight, rushing forwards in the blink of an eye as he raised his sword, Kai blinking away a few feet backwards.

(Name) rushed forwards, using his bow to slam against the older (L.Name) who reflected with his pistol. (Name) irked, the two engaging in close combat as they struggled against one another. Kai strategically moved around so Artemis couldn't guarantee a clear shot. "I'll... kill you!"

"You know, I'll give you props for doing better than your old man," Kai mused, and (Name) shoved his uncle back with a sudden burst of energy, Artemis taking the opportunity and firing as the male teleported out of the way and back in front of (Name). Ares launched his sword forwards, slashing at Kai's side and barely gracing his skin.

"Don't talk about him!" (Name) warned, eyes narrowing as he took a quick step backwards, pulling the string of his bow back. The sound of an arrow firing rung through his ears. Kai once again seemed to teleport away, and (Name) smirked, watching as the God of War stood proudly behind him.


"You won't believe how long I've waited for this," A malicious voice spoke from behind Kai, two swords in Ares' hands as he moved quickly like a tornado of blades that cut at Kai's skin, blood beginning to fall from his body. Without a second thought, the older (L.Name) teleported away, heavily panting from the intense amount of cuts on his body he had just received.

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