Chapter 25: Aftermath

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 Chapter 25: Aftermath

The fear of death was always rooted in the idea of what came next.

Was it an empty black hole of darkness where you stayed for the rest of eternity? Or were you perhaps reborn as someone or something else?

(Name) didn't know, but all he knew was that he was plunged into a world of blackness, voices drowned out as if he were underwater.

Fushiguro turned the corner, eyes going wide as his jaw almost dropped, watching as two men bickered with one another, one holding a gun while the other was kneeling, holding onto a knife and a gun. Smoke rose from the gun of the man who was standing, and Fushiguro's eyes crawled over towards (Name), his phone in his hand dropping as he watched blood slowly trail down (Name)'s legs, uniform tainted a crimson red beneath small holes in his shirt. One on his shoulder, another on his stomach, and a final one on his rib cage.

Yet the thing that caught Fushiguro's attention was the bloody mess on (Name)'s leg, oozing out heavy amounts of blood onto the ground beneath him as he laid lifeless, eyes shut close and lips slightly parted.

Fushiguro clenched his jaw, hands shakily reaching up as they hit together forming the shape of a dog, his voice strong and determined. "Totality."

From his shadow arose a large creature, the two demon dogs merged together as the shikigami roared and snarled it's teeth, dashing forwards with it's claws extended. The two men seemed to have not been paying attention, totality slashing at both who only barely managed to raise their hands on time with cursed energy coursing through their bodies to block the hit.

"What happened."

Fushiguro noted how it sounded more like a demand than a question, and he turned to face the voice, Gojou walking forwards with slow steps. His blindfold had been discarded and on the ground as his light blue eyes narrowed in on the group who stood around (Name)'s body.

"You know, attacking my student," Gojou lifted his fingers, Fushiguro watching as cursed energy formed into a bright red ball that hovered over Gojou's fingers, "Was the biggest mistake you've ever made."

The man gave no reply, only firing a bullet at Gojou that stopped before him in infinity.

"Was it for money, or what?" Gojou questioned, that was followed by an annoyed scoff, hair beginning to gently blow from the wind produced by the pure strength of his own cursed energy, "Regardless... I'll kill you."

The man irked, firing another bullet at Gojou only to have it stop a few centimeters in front of him, a mocking laugh escaping the white haired sorcerer's lips as Fushiguro hit his hands together in a circular shape, a toad appearing at his side and grabbing (Name) with it's tongue, pulling the injured h/c towards him.

The amount of cursed energy that Fushiguro could detect from Gojou was nothing short of dangerous- fitting for the strength of the most powerful sorcerer.

Gojou exhaled quietly, light blue eyes beginning to shine a bit brighter as he spoke: "Cursed Technique Reversal: Red."

A bright red light fired from Gojou's fingers, almost as if it were a laser, running down the straight path and past the people who were once standing on it.

Smoke arose from the area, and Fushiguro turned his gaze towards (Name) who had been placed on the ground, walking over and crouching down. His fingers brushed against (Name)'s cheek, travelling down to his neck as he searched around for a pulse, sighing to himself when he felt a feint sign of life.

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