Chapter 14: Ideal Date

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Chapter 14: Ideal Date

"You have a date with Fushiguro?!" Kugisaki practically screamed at a flustered (Name), who was standing before her with two articles of clothing in his hands, one t-shirt that was f/c, and a hoodie that was f/c.

"That's not important right now!" (Name) frowned, motioning to the two pieces of clothing in his hands, "Now help me pick which one!"

"Why not go with f/o (favorite outfit)?" She questioned before smiling, "Can't go wrong with that."

"But is it the right time to wear that?" (Name) mumbled to himself, glancing at the outfit in his closet with a small sigh.

Kugisaki shrugged. "Where are you guys even going?"

(Name) paused, pondering on the question for a moment before looking back at her. "He actually didn't tell me."

"At least he did something right with a surprise," Kugisaki mumbled to herself, falling back down on (Name)'s bed.

"Nobara, which shoes?" (Name) turned around from his closet, showing her two pairs of shoes.

"The ones on the left," Kugisaki replied, pointing to the pair that was in (Name)'s right hand, "The other ones wouldn't match f/o."

(Name) nodded, grabbing the shoes and then f/o, walking to the bathroom and quickly changing. He walked outside, and Kugisaki sat up, smiling.

"You look pretty good," Kugisaki complimented.

"You think? Do you think I should change into something different?"

"Shut up and just stick with it. Besides, knowing him, he's probably gonna wear something like sweatpants and a t-shirt," Kugisaki scoffed to herself, and (Name) chuckled at the comment. Kugisaki walked outside and turned around to go towards her own dorm room, "Now finish getting ready and hurry up and go! And make sure that if you see something cute you get it for me."

"Yeah yeah," (Name) dismissively waved at the orange haired girl who walked away, before (Name) walked out of his room, watching the girl trot down the halls, "Thanks for your help, by the way!"

"You owe me!" She called back and (Name) laughed, sending Fushiguro a text saying he had finished getting ready, and to meet him at their dorms.

(Name) shoved his phone into his pocket, leaning back against his dorm room door, his e/c eyes downcast as he clenched his hand into a tight fist, his heart beating at an unusually erratic pace.

He tried his best to will his heart to stop beating so quickly, but to no avail.

"(Name)." (Name) quickly identified Fushiguro's voice, turning up and facing him as the h/c shot the male a small smile.

He's more dressed up than Nobara and I thought he'd be-! (Name) thought to himself with an awkward smile, eyeing Fushiguro's white dress shirt and simple black pants.

"Do you have everything you need?" Fushiguro questioned, and (Name) glanced down at his phone and felt around in his pocket, feeling for his wallet. He nodded when he felt the object, and Fushiguro turned his gaze forwards, "Then let's go."

"Where are we going?" (Name) asked, trailing next to the black haired male who maintained a blank expression.

"You'll see soon."

(Name)'s lips pulled into a small frown. "I hate surprises."

"You're going to like this one," Fushiguro replied, and (Name) sighed to himself.

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