Chapter 30: 10 Shadows vs. 12 Olympians

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Chapter 30: 10 Shadows vs. 12 Olympians

Fushiguro's eyes travelled down (Name)'s injured form, taking into account the bullet wound on his stomach, and then the still healing wounds on his leg.

Restraining him would be the best course of action, but he knew it was easier said than done.


Was all (Name) said for a sudden dash of red to charge at Fushiguro. His hands lifted up to protect himself, before the two demon dogs known as 'Totality' grabbed both him and the injured (L.Name), evading the Olympian who irked.

"How annoying can someone's technique be?" Ares' sharp red eyes darted around, glaring intensely at Fushiguro's shikigami.

(Name) had begun walking steadily in Fushiguro's direction, whose brows furrowed.

"... You're really not gonna back down, are you?" (Name) finally questioned, suddenly stopping as he stood still in the middle of the empty battlefield.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Fushiguro replied casually, hands lowered despite his guard being up.

"Yet you won't strike first?" (Name) wondered aloud, noting how Fushiguro seemed to be planted in the ground.

Fushiguro's eyes narrowed, but he gave no response. (Name) sighed.

"Well, if you're just going to stand there-" Fushiguro only blinked before the h/c was right in front of him, deep blue eyes widening in slight surprise as he felt the dull side of the blade slam against his side in a forceful manner, "-Then get out of my way."

Fushiguro took a staggering step back while he clutched onto his side, glancing up into e/c eyes. "Who said I just stood there the whole time?"

(Name)'s brow raised, before a loud screech echoed from behind him, his eyes widening as he spun around to find Nue towering over him, wings coated with electricity that was fired in his direction.

"How stupid do you have to be to not notice that-?!" Ares shouted, tackling the h/c to the ground and rolling over so he was beneath (Name), lifting his sword up and blocking the lightning that followed after the two.

(Name) immediately rolled off, huffing as he glared at Fushiguro who was in front of him, a cursed weapon in his hands that came crashing down in his direction. His hands instinctively reached up, a new sword forming as he seemed to have accidentally released the technique during his state of shock at the sight of Nue. The two swords clashed in a loud metallic clinking sound, and (Name) smirked through his struggle.

"I... didn't know you had all these tricks up your sleeve," (Name) managed to grumble, and Fushiguro's eyes only narrowed.

"You'd be surprised."

(Name) irked at the response, his hold on his weapon loosening ever so slightly as he reached his left hand up, clamping it over the blade in Fushiguro's hands. Blood began to trickle down his palm as Fushiguro's eyes slightly widened.

"What are you-?"


A bright yellow tinted blue light shone brilliantly in midst of the battle, Fushiguro immediately taking a step back to make distance as his brows furrowed, a woman slowly coming into view in the middle of the light.

Her eyes slowly trailed over to (Name), lips slightly pursing in thought before she motioned towards Fushiguro.

"Is that the enemy?"

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