Chapter 33: A Mortal's Ultimatum

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Chapter 33: A Mortal's Ultimatum

When (Name) walked out of the classroom, he found Kugisaki standing on her phone a few feet away, Fushiguro standing beside her.

(Name) walked closer to the pair, and Kugisaki's eyes turned upward.

"What was that about?"

"Just Gojou being... Gojou, I guess? I don't even know, it's complicated," (Name) shrugged, and Kugisaki hummed lightly in response.

"(Name), Kugisaki and I were going to go train for the exchange event," Fushiguro turned toward (Name) who avoided his gaze, "Do you want to train with us?"

As much as the thought of saying no and returning to his bed to sleep all day pleased him, he also knew that he needed to practice. The exchange event was coming up, and his body was urging him to do some sort of training. Not to mention his audience with Poseidon and Zeus that he didn't even want to think about.

"... Sure," (Name) mumbled a bit quietly, and Fushiguro nodded at his words.

"I need to change," Kugisaki pointed out, "Meet at the field?"

Fushiguro nodded, and Kugisaki walked off. (Name) internally screamed at Kugisaki for leaving him with Fushiguro in the moment, but his face remained still as he turned to walk toward his own dorm rooms. The black haired sorcerer followed after him, walking close by his side as (Name) fixed his gaze forward.

The two silently made their way back to their dorm rooms, and (Name) slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, grabbing a water bottle and a sweater before walking back out and being thankful that he finished before Fushiguro did, as that would save him the pain of walking to the field with him.

Rushing toward the training ground, (Name) arrived first, sitting beneath a large tree that provided shade as he let his water bottle lay down on the ground beside him. He plopped down, stretching out his muscles as he watched Fushiguro walk onto the field and toward him, silently placing his things down as he started doing his own stretches. Despite having not fully completed his stretching routine, (Name) stood up to get started.

"You got a cursed weapon?" (Name) asked, eyes still avoiding deep blue ones. Fushiguro nodded, reaching for his bag that he brought with him and pulling out a sword, tossing it in (Name)'s direction. The h/c picked it up, taking a deep breath as his eyes narrowed. The feeling of the cursed energy in the blade he held ran through his fingertips, travelling through his body as he clenched his eyes close, gathering as much cursed energy as he could-

-before he stopped. An annoyed sigh escaped his lips as he lightly panted. Had he still not fully recovered? He knew that summoning an Olympian for the first few times took a toll on his body, but he thought that he was fine. Did Athena take more cursed energy than he thought?

"Is something wrong?" Fushiguro asked, and (Name) turned around, trying his best to hide his struggle of calling on the Olympian.

"No. I'm fine."

"Are you having trouble invoking Athena?"

Sometimes, Fushiguro was a bit too perceptive.

"Yeah," (Name) shrugged, "But it's fine. I'll-"

"When you summoned her yesterday, it seemed like she took more out of you than the other ones," Fushiguro spoke about the fight casually, and (Name) frowned.

"Probably just cause my body hasn't adjusted yet."

"It takes more cursed energy the first few summons, doesn't it?"

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