Chapter 24: Target: Eliminated

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Chapter 24: Target: Eliminated

Warning: This chapter is a bit more gory than usual.

"Huh. You seriously need to work on your chess skills," Athena noted blankly, moving another chess piece as (Name)'s lips slightly pursed, leaning a bit back in his chair, "Checkmate."

E/c eyes looked over the chess board in front of him, noting how she still had more than half her army left compared to the sole king, bishop, and few pawns that stood idle on his side of the board.

"You're great at chess," (Name) complimented with a small smile slumping in his seat, and she shrugged.

"Have you considered that you're just predictable?"

(Name) tried his best to ignore the comment.

"Aside from that," She cleared her throat with a small chuckle, "Congrats. You passed."

"... I did?" (Name)'s brow raised, looking back and forth between her, and then the chess board where he suffered a very one sided loss.

"You didn't do too well on the last floor, I will admit," Athena mentioned, "Though, it's not like many people do amazingly. Rather than the chess game, you cleared the other floors very well. Good job."

"Oh. Thanks?" (Name) almost questioned, seeing as he didn't really think he did the other floors too well.

But hey, who was he to judge?

"Though, I do have a few questions," She leaned back in her chair, "Why'd you save Artemis, Aphrodite and Demeter?"

"I didn't get the chance to summon them, and I thought I would need them for the final floor," (Name) explained casually, "I was worried that the last floor would be a battle, so I tried my best to save as many as possible."

"And why did you use Apollo instead of Artemis when disarming traps? The Goddess of the Hunt is a popular choice when going through that room," Athena spoke formally, while (Name) smiled.

"Artemis is one of my best fighters, while Apollo is a more defensive contract of mine. I knew I could figure the traps out on my own, and I just needed him to be ready to protect me if I needed it," (Name) smiled, "Besides, Artemis taught me a thing or two about traps when I was younger."

Athena let a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. "I see. You've made quite the name for yourself on Olympus, (Name)."

"I have?" (Name)'s brow raised, and she gently chuckled.

"Of course you have," She leaned her arms against the table, "A certain rule is coming into effect soon for the first time in a hundred years."

(Name) gulped. "So?"

"Not everyone makes it this far," She shrugged, "You have potential to become one of the strongest 12 Olympians curse bearer," She paused, an eerie silence filling the air, "Of course, if you manage to stay alive."


Fushiguro impatiently tapped his foot against the ground, eyes casted out the window as he desperately tried to ignore his obnoxious teacher that had decided to tag along, deciding that 'the strongest sorcerer might as well be there in case (Name) needs it'.

Deep blue eyes turned downwards towards the phone in his hands, a small sigh escaping his lips that pulled into a small frown.

Fushiguro perked up when the train came to a halt, eager to hurry up and get there as Gojou glanced over at him with a small smile.

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