Chapter 19: Repetition of History

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Chapter 19: Repetition of History

(Name) trailed towards the (L.Name) residence, taking a small breath before knocking on the door that practically immediately opened, a man standing before him with a small smile on his face.

"Ah, (L.Name). What a pleasant surprise."

(Name) nodded, walking inside when the man slightly shuffled to the side to make room for him to walk through. He wandered down the halls, his eyes casted forwards as he walked towards a small room with a bright label that read 'MAIL'. He reached for the doorknob, slowly pushing the door open that creaked, revealing a decently small room.

There was a mailbox in the middle of said room, where, after going through (Name)'s father's side of the family, mail would be placed there. He reached for the post, pulling the small handle down and reaching inside.


He checked one final time, turning the flashlight on his phone on as he peeked into the small box. He frowned, bringing the phone in front of him and quickly dialing a number.


"Megumi, you sent the letter, didn't you?"

"Yeah," He replied, pausing for a moment, "It should probably be there by now. Why are you asking?"

"I'm at the (L.Name) residence and I'm looking for it...," (Name) replied, looking into the mailbox one final time, "But there's nothing here."

"Really? I'm sure I sent it. Maybe I-" Fushiguro was interrupted by a loud, familiar obnoxious voice.

"Megumi! Who're you talking to?"

"(Name)," Fushiguro replied to what (Name) assumed was his teacher.

"Put me on speaker!" The voice was a bit distant, before it had suddenly become clear, "(Name), did you complete the mission?"

"Yeah, I did," (Name) replied, kicking the sole of his shoe into the ground as he shut the mailbox close.

"Wait, are you sure there's nothing there?" Fushiguro almost seemed doubtful, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"I have a pretty good idea on what happened," (Name) replied, mumbling under his breath, "I'll call you in an hour and let you know what happened."

"You're planning something, aren't you?" (Name) could see Fushiguro's frown from the other side of the line, and he replied with a small hum, "... Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

(Name) chuckled. "Yeah, yeah."

The line hung up, and (Name) shoved his phone into his pocket, walking out of the (L.Name) residence to make his way towards a similar looking building not far away. It was a bit smaller than what he was used to, but it had that touch of the (L.Name) family that made it very familiar to him.

He took a deep breath, bringing his arm up and knocking.

Time drew on and on, before the door slowly opened, he was met with a man whose eyes widened at the sight of him.

"S-Sir (L.Name)!"

"Please, call me (Name)," (Name) smiled gently, "Is Kai here?"

"Y-Yes, he is, (Name)!" The male gulped, taking a step back to allow (Name) into the house.

The inside of the building was structurally similar to the one that he grew up in, but wherever he walked, he could feel a hostile air linger around him.

History (Fushiguro Megumi x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now