Chapter 31: Familial Threats

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Chapter 31: Familial Threats 

"What the fuck do we do?!"

"I don't know! Heal him or something!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I can't use my healing curse unless (Name) got like x2 of the cursed energy he has right now?!"

"Well we better hurry up and decide before he passes out here."

Currently, Artemis and Apollo were bickering about what to do in regard to (Name) who was being carried by Apollo, on the verge of passing out. Right after the three were out of sight from (Name)'s teacher and classmate, he had collapsed onto the ground, leaving Apollo and Artemis confused on what to do. Apollo glared at (Name) in annoyance.

"You overexerted yourself, idiot..."

"Hurry up, we don't have time to get him all the way back to Jujutsu tech," Artemis spoke, "Let's just get him to his room."

"Fushiguro and Gojou are still out back! If they see him and try to help he'll get mad," Apollo countered, and Artemis irked.

"Well, it's not like we have much of a choice, so hurry up!"

Apollo grumbled a curse under his breath as he walked towards the front of the (L.Name) residence, Artemis banging on the door.

"Hello th-" The man who opened the door paused, blinking as he looked at Artemis, and then Apollo, and then the seemingly dead (Name) who was covered in wounds, "... um."

"Move," Apollo ordered, and Artemis irked at her brother's words.

"This is (Name). You recognize him, don't you? We're taking him to his room."

"... Alright," The man whispered uneasily, and Artemis nodded, walking inside as Apollo followed after her, leaning towards her ear.

"You know, Apollo and Artemis sounds much better than Artemis and Apollo. For future reference."

Artemis shot her brother a look that read 'do you ever shut up?', and Apollo frowned at the sight.

Artemis and Apollo quickly made their way around the residence, finding (Name)'s room and barging through the door.

"Go find (M.Name)," Artemis spoke to Apollo whose brow raised once (Name) had been placed down on his bed.

"N-No," (Name) managed to suddenly blurt, "I'll... be fine."

"... You have absolutely zero say in this," Artemis commented, and (Name)'s eyes fluttered in a weak attempt to stay awake.

"Why don't you go find her?"

"Apollo my patience is running thin today. Hurry up."

"And you think mine is running any less?"

Artemis was about to retort the comment before their bodies suddenly dimmed, the Goddess of the Hunt irking as she glared at (Name) whose eyes were beginning to shut.


Not wanting to waste any more time, Apollo rushed out the door while Artemis sat at (Name)'s bedside, placing her bow down onto the ground. Not only a moment passed before (M.Name) walked into the room, eyes falling onto her son's bruised form as she stepped toward him.


"Bring a healer over," Artemis demanded, "He's injured. Badly."

(M.Name) frowned, but nodded regardless as Artemis and Apollo were suddenly released from the technique, (Name)'s eyes fully shutting close.

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