Chapter 22: Goddess of Wisdom and War

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Chapter 22: Goddess of Wisdom and War

(Name) had left early in the morning, the sun rising in the far distance as Fushiguro was left sitting on the ledge alone. He pulled his legs into his chest, a feeling of worry beginning to bottle up inside of him.

Would (Name) really be safe?

Especially with the target on his back that only seemed to grow bigger and bigger, would he really be okay on his own?

Now, Fushiguro wasn't doubting (Name)'s ability- he was rather confident in them. Instead, he was just worried.

Not even he could take on too many people at the same time.

"Fushiguro, you're up early," He heard Kugisaki's voice, and turned to face the girl, hands placed sassily on her hips, "Is (Name) still not feeling well?"

Fushiguro shook his head. "He went out on a personal errand."

She nodded, turning on her heel. "Anyways, let's get to class... You're copying his notes for him, by the way."


(Name) had successfully found himself in the (L.Name) residence unscathed, and he trotted up towards the large doors at the front, his finger brushing up against the guard dog at the front as Artemis appeared at his side, she pressed her hand onto the door while (Name) did the same.

He quickly travelled down the stairs with Artemis trailing behind him as he took a sharp breath, the cursed energy in the basement a bit overwhelming, although he tried not to pay attention to it.

His eyes scanned the various bright veils that stuck to the walls before landing on the door with the symbol of an owl atop it, a shaky sigh escaping his lips.

"(Name), are you sure?" Artemis' voice of reason interrupted him, "Athena can be very-"

"-I'm sure," (Name) nodded in response, interrupting her as he stepped towards the veil that was a blinding light blue. He reached up, fingers about to brush against the veil before a rough hand latched onto his wrist in slight panic.

"Wait," Artemis sighed aloud, "This is your sixth contract, (Name). You should wait until you're older."

"I don't have time to wait," (Name) replied hastily, "Not with everything happening right now, I can't afford to hold off on this."

"You know what happens if you pass, don't you?" Artemis held onto the male's dominant arm, "Your father had five contracts, which means that after your sixth you're going to-"

"I'm going to what?" (Name) questioned fiercely, determined for her to say it.

Her lips parted to speak before she shut them close again, waiting a moment before forcing the words out of her mouth. "You're going to die. You get that, don't you?"

"You make it sound like I'm for sure going to die," (Name) noted, and she shrugged.

"A hundred years, (Name)," Artemis huffed a bit childishly, "The rule hasn't come into effect in a hundred years and you're going to run in blindly when you're this young?"

"... Yeah? What else am I supposed to do?"

Artemis seemed unsatisfied with the response, but (Name) only jerked his hand back and out of her grip, hand gracing the veil with determination written on his face. Artemis disappeared once the veil broke down, and (Name) stepped into a stone hallway, eyes darting around.

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