Chapter 27: The Night of The Party

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Chapter 27: The Night of The Party

"Do you think my pants and shirt look weird together?" (Name) turned around to face Fushiguro who was laying down on (Name)'s bed on his phone, dressed in casual attire.

Fushiguro glanced up from his phone, glancing up and down (Name) for a moment before replying. "No, it looks fine."

(Name) turned back towards the mirror, flattening out his shirt a bit before straightening his posture.

"Megumi, do you mind handing me the vial?" (Name) glanced over his back to look at Fushiguro who recognized the vial he had given to (Name), standing up and grabbing it with a closed fist. He walked over to (Name) who had his hand extended expectantly, while the black haired sorcerer slightly cocked his head outwards in the direction of the mirror, as if to tell the h/c to look. (Name)'s eyes, hesitantly, wandered towards his reflection, watching as Fushiguro fiddled with the strings on the vial, bringing his hands up and over (Name)'s head, and letting the vial rest around his neck. A moment passed while Fushiguro fiddled with the vial's strings, brows furrowed, before he pulled away with a satisfied look on his face.

"Now that you're ready, let's go," Fushiguro urged.

"It's not like we're in a rush," (Name) laughed lightly.

Fushiguro frowned. "Obviously not, since we planned to go in the afternoon but the sun is setting."

(Name)'s lips pulled downwards into a frown. "My sleep is more important than this stupid party."

"Right," Fushiguro chuckled, leaning down a bit hesitantly, "By the way... you look great."

(Name) felt a light blush travel across his face, Fushiguro pulling away with a stoic expression as he made his way towards the door, (Name) followed after him after quickly recomposing himself.


When (Name) had arrived with Fushiguro at his side, he was met with a brightly lit area in a once open field, various lanterns illuminating their surroundings. The distinct smell of food wafted through the air as (Name) took a step into the light, all eyes turned towards him.

At least he was fashionably late.

(Name) was quite used to the stares, (although it was much worse this time), but he wasn't too sure how Fushiguro was doing. The h/c side glanced Fushiguro who maintained his stoic expression despite being the center of attention, and he internally sighed in relief.

The voice that broke through the tense air that had formed when he arrived was none other then that of a little boy.

"(Name)! Fushiguro!" A little boy ran up to the pair, e/c eyes turning towards said boy who planted himself before the two, "You're here!"

"Hi Kazue," (Name) smiled as Fushiguro gave the boy a nod in response.

"Ah, you made it, (Name)," (M.Name) stepped forwards, seeming to finally notice her son's arrival, "It was getting late. I was worried you weren't going to come."

(Name) smiled gently in response. "Yeah, we got caught up with something." (Name) glanced around momentarily before motioning to a nearby table. "We're going to go sit."

(M.Name) nodded, and (Name) had begun walking towards the table, taking a seat as Fushiguro took the one opposing him. (Name) leaned forwards with an awkward chuckle.

"Sorry about the staring. I forgot to tell you about that part."

Fushiguro shook his head. "It's fine."

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