2 | Let's Go Over Respect

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The weight of Alistar's weapons pressed against my skin tight clothes. One of Valentino's guns strapped over the dark cloth across my thigh.

There was no comfortable way of hiding anything beneath the fae clothes. Each piece of cloth clung to my body in a way I wasn't completely comfortable with. There was no hiding my breasts, or lack of, but at the moment I didn't care. I'd been waiting to leave since Brynjar and Malachi had finished breakfast.

"Stop looking so constipated." Mirai nudged me out of my thoughts. While a smile played her lips, there was no humor in her cobalt eyes.

She jerked her head to Alistar, who laid unconscious by my side. "He wouldn't be happy with the way you look right now."

"Who taught you that word?" I glanced at Alistar, the dark veins had inched its way across his chest. Every second we wasted sitting around, a piece of my soul chipped away.

"Constipated? Malachi. He said to use it as an alternative for full of poop or other things, so you don't yell at me." She toyed with the edges of her clothes, as if she too was uncomfortable in them. "The people here are nicer than I thought, considering how they shut themselves off from Earth."

"They didn't seal the portals between realms." The fae had always been more confined when it came to inter-dimensional interactions, but they still kept their portals open and allowed any who pleased to pass through. That was until the portals had slowly begun to close and everyone scrambled to return to their homes, centuries ago.

"Then who did?"

Malachi stepped up and pinched her nose. "That is a very long story Valentino can tell you about later." He schooled his features before turning to me. "Are you ready?"

I stood from the bed so fast the edges of my vision blurred. "Yes."

He nodded and jerked his head to the door. "Rune is in the back. The owner gave us a few extra things for the road."

Alistar's breath hitched and we all turned, as if waiting for the worst to happen. When the rise and fall of his chest evened out to shallow breaths again, we all sighed in relief.

I brushed away the loose strands of his pale hair away, and pressed a kiss to his damp temple. A silent promise to be back as soon as I can.

Mirai's finger brushed against my bicep. "I'll watch over him. Try not to worry too much."

"Thank you." I wrapped her in my arms, squeezing.

"I can't breathe." She tapped my arm, voice strained when I didn't let go. "Okay. I get it. You can let go now."

"You stay safe too. And if anything happens, don't hesitate to stab them in the throat." I took one of the many knives strapped to me and handed it to her instead. She already had a few, but the more she had the more at ease I'd be.

"I thought you were going to tell me to bargain Valentino away." She strapped the knife around her waist. "He might teach me how to shoot a gun while you're gone."

"Malachi is usually the one I'd tell you to bargain away." The edges of my lips twitched as Malachi groaned, patiently waiting. "Try not to drag too much attention to yourself when learning to shoot. We're trying to stay as low as possible."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get going before the sun sets and you're tripping over every branch."

Malachi wrapped an arm around my waist, guiding me down the back stairs.

The solemnity of the entire situation hit me again as I left the room. It might be the last time I ever saw them. I shook the thoughts off. They'd be fine. I would be able to save my family this time.

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