24 | Mead Hall

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Brynjar had me sitting with him in the center of the Mead Hall for dinner. 

All I wanted to do was curl up at the outskirts of the tables where no one paid attention. Instead I was stuck in the center of everything, with nothing to do. 

Mirai and Alistar sat across the table. It wouldn't have been so bad if the tables weren't so large. Custom carved wood tables and benches filled the hall. I was almost certain Valentino did the carvings and designing.

I toyed with my hands in my lap, watching the others eat. I'd sip at my glass of soda occasionally to try and fit in, but still earned stares. I glared back until they diverted their gaze. Alistar snickered every time he caught me glare at someone.

There was no point for me to sit here other than to look pretty. I didn't eat their food, nor was I good at socializing. Though, I did my best to be nice when someone talked to me.

Liv and Gen's kids took up most of the table, squishing me into Brynjar. There were so many of them, and they weren't exactly quiet. I didn't mind. They were all so cute. 

I had to look away to keep from grabbing the closest ones and squishing them in my arms. Kids were so much better than adults.

Maybe it was the tugging in my chest that had me cranky. I knew it was the bond between Valentino and I. He was upset enough for me to feel, but it wasn't anything life threatening. 

It was a small reassurance keeping me from getting up and leaving. I would've needed to drag Brynjar or Alistar with me, or I'd get lost searching for Valentino and Malachi. Both were too busy devouring plates of food to help me look for my two missing mates. 

Besides, Valentino and Malachi could take care of themselves. My chest still ached without their presence.

"How is your education system set up?" I asked no one in particular.

"Similar to the schools in the rest of the country. We try to keep up with new curriculum and standards so if the kids ever want to leave, they're as prepared as possible. Why?" Liv tapped her fork against the plate.

"I was wondering if I could get Mirai in." I didn't want her completely out of an education. The more experience she got, the better. It didn't seem like we were leaving here anytime soon.

Brynjar rested a hand on my thigh. He was listening even if he was locked in another conversation with his brother.

Liv perked up. "Of course. The fall term doesn't start for another few weeks, but she's welcome. I'm sure all the dragons would be excited to meet a foreigner. I can help you register tomorrow."

"Thank you—"

The heavy doors of the hall swung open. From where I sat, I couldn't see who was there. The dragons surpassed me in terms of height. Most surpassed me in heigh.

I didn't have to see to knew who it was, the floral scent brushing against my nose.

I stood from the table fast enough for my vision to speckle. It didn't stop me as I practically jogged through the tables to Valentino. Malachi wasn't there.

Valentino wiped at the sweat beading his brow, panting. He mumbled some words under his breath, pursed his lips, then swallowed hard enough for his Adam's Apple to bob.

The chatter throughout the hall didn't falter. No one seemed concerned with an Incubus suddenly barging into a community of dragons. Their stares seemed to be focused on me or Brynjar. I still couldn't tell which.

Valentino's body relaxed when he saw me.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. 

Only, Valentino didn't return the hug. Instead, he pushed me away and lunged for the nearest trashcan. 

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