42 | Cyrus

411 46 11

Frossare lifeless body sprawled across a building. The destruction had taken out several blocks. A demon and dragon grappling was detrimental. Most of the residents had evacuated. Those who didn't, laid somewhere in the pile of rubble, dead.

Valentino kelt next to Gen, who took shallow breaths. He body was torn up. One long gash opened the underside of his body where the skin was its softness.

Brynjar kelt by Gen's snout. His eyes were glassy. "Shift, brother."

Gen let a soft snort out. His eyes fluttered open to meet his brother's. Slowly, the bones in his body cracked. They morphed and shrunk until he was human once more. It was the slowest I'd ever seen someone shift, taking every last drop of energy Gen had.

Brynjar draped his shirt over Gen, offering him as much comfort as he could. He gripped his brother's hand, Gen gripped back. He let out a laugh, choking at the end. "I finally killed that fucker. He was harder to kill than that swamp monster back in England. Remember that battle? We dragged his head through the Mead Hall to celebrate."

"I remember." Brynjar's voice cracked.

Blood dripped from the corner Gen's lips as he coughed. 

I glanced around, watery eyes meeting Valentino's. "Where's Alistar? Maybe he can teleport and get a healer."

Valentino shook his head. "He already left to find a healer. I don't know when he'll be back or if . . ." The words died out. We didn't know if Alistar could bring a healer back in time.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Gen touched the gouges on his stomach. Blood oozed out, coating his hand.

"No, you'll be fine." Brynjar pulled his brother's hand from the wound.

"You've always been a shit liar, Rune." He patted Brynjar's shoulder. "Take care of Liv and the kids for me, will ya?"

Brynjar shook his head, silent tears dripped down his face. "No. You're going to take care of them yourself. Give Alistar a few minutes. He'll bring a healer."

Gen only laughed. "I'm glad you finally found a family. I'm glad you're finally happy. Make sure you take care of them too. Especially, that mate and kid of yours." Brynjar let out a choked sob. "Tell my family that I love them."

Gen's chest fell. It fell and didn't rise again. 

Brynjar bowed his head until it pressed to Gen's chest. Sobs shook his shoulders as he held his younger brother one last time. I gently wrapped my arms around my mate. Tears blurred my vision. 

Alistar eventually showed up with a healer. One look at Brynjar and he knew. He kicked at the rubble, cursing and crying.

It was the taste of fear that had me wiping my eyes. I slowly stood, glancing around. A couple houses down there was soft, crying.

"Token?" Malachi's voice was hoarse.

I sprinted to sounds. "Someone needs help." I stopped in front of a collapsed house. Half the building was on fire. 

A woman sobbed from deep in the home. Her voice barely reached me. "Help, please."

I started pushing the ruble aside, looking for an opening in. The fire hadn't gotten to her yet. "Hold on."

"No." A beam cracked, the house shifting down further. "You can't get to me. I'm on the first floor. There's too much weight."

Malachi tugged me away. "Stop. What are you doing? You're going to get hurt."

I pushed him away. Brynjar walked up to us, my other two mates behind. My face twisted in agony. I would not let anyone else die. "Help her, please."

The fire clawed through the house at an alarming rate.

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