8 | I Win

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We made it to the edge of the forest in two days. It was less than half the time it took to get to the Fire Falls. Part of the reason had to do with me being conscious. The other reason, we were practically sprinting back the entire time. We barely paused for breaks, only sleeping half the night before moving again.

The bones in my body hummed, the village seeming out of place.

Brynjar peeled the front door of the inn open and stepped in. Multiple scent filled the room, the front door shutting behind us. At least two dozen guards filled the entrance, guns pointed at us. Each one wore a black and gray uniform, the same blue flower patch on each of their shoulders.

Malachi tucked me behind him as Brynjar stepped forward.

A fae with three gold stars pinned above his pocket stepped up. "We were told you'd show up any day now." Horses tapped the ground just outside. "We are to take you into custody."

I snarled, Malachi squeezing my hand in warning. The rest of my family's scent wasn't anywhere in the inn. "Where are they?"

"You mean the exile, girl, and incubus? Imprisoned. You have a hearing with the Queen. She'll decide if you join them or not." He held up two handcuffs. "You can make this easy, or we shoot."

Brynjar held out his wrists and one of the guards cuffed them together. Malachi didn't even put up a fight as they shackled him.

When the guard stepped up to me, the fae with three gold stars brushed him aside. "No need, she's only human. Wouldn't want to hurt her too badly."

I spat in his face, wrapping an illusion over me. My hand slipped inside Brynjar's backpack and pulled out the flower, tucking it in the waistband of my pants. None of them noticed.

He wiped at his cheek. "A feisty human, but harmless."

When we stepped out of the inn, horses were aligned outside. Two of them pulling a cage.

None of us fought as they locked us in, chains clinking against the bars. I didn't so much as hiss or spit again. Not when they had the rest of our family. Not when they were taking us straight to them.

It was a fews hours ride before the castle came into view, elevated off the floor by support beams like every other building in the Kingdom. Several structures towered above in a close cluster of buildings to create one large castle. Each tower was connected by a system of bridges weaving over each other.

An imitation of what the forest had become when flooded.

Our footsteps clinked and echoed through the halls of the main tower as we were dragged. I was too pissed to look anywhere other than in front of me, too pissed to take in the beauty of the architecture.

Two gold and white doors were pulled open as we approached. The guards double around us, guns already loaded. Not one was aimed on me, but Brynjar and Malachi.

I glared at everyone and everything until I found the Queen, perched on her throne. I was the one she should be terrified of.

She didn't wear a dress, but her skirt made up for the formal wear. Her shirt barely reached her midriff. Her brown hair tumbled down her shoulder, blue eyes sharp as knives.

I blinked the image of Alistar back, heart twisting. I wanted him back in my arms, him, Valentino, and Mirai. She was the one who took them away.

My lips pulled back in a silent snarl. Her own face twisted in distaste at me, or how I dragged the most dirt and blood everywhere.

"This is them?" She waved her hand. The guards stepped back for her to get a better look at us. She dragged her eyes down my body and scowled. "This is who . . . he is mated to? A human?"

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