31 | Present for The King of Hell

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It was a little past midnight when the city had been cleared. 

Wendigos had attacked from the north. Brynjar and Alistar had been helping clean the city there. 

Every witch, wendigo, and demon was dead. All except one, who was in the East side prison for interrogation. 

There was a small reserve of bodies set aside at the cemetery up the mountain. White sheets draped over bodies of all sizes, some even smaller. Those were the dragons lost in last night's battle, waiting for a proper burial.

Dragons finally started relocating to their homes. Those whose homes were too destroyed to stay in remained at the Town House.

I had to give Gier more credit than I did. He made it all seem so effortless—carrying around a body across the city.

Valentino opened the door to the interrogation room for me. Alistar, Brynjar, and a few others were already in there. Malachi was on clean up duty back at the house.

I dragged the black trash bag in the room far enough so the door could close behind. 

All eyes turned to me and the bag. Their noses no doubt caught the distinct scent of blood. A good majority of the blood hadn't made it in the bag but all over me. 

Alistar opened his mouth but I shook my head. I didn't want to talk now, and not here. He nodded in understanding.

"Who's in the bag." Santiago toed at the plastic.

"It's none of your business." I brushed him aside a took an empty seat by the witch.

She whimpered, a blindfold covering her eyes. No, not a blindfold. Her eyes we no longer there but on a metal tray. They'd taken a piece of cloth to cover the empty sockets. 

"She won't talk. We'd already taken all her nails and a few unneeded digits. Most usually talk after the second or third nail. I doubt she'll open up now." Alistar sighed.

"Then we kill her. We have no use for her. Avenge those who've ascended to Valhalla with her life." Santiago scowled.

"No." I peeled the dry blood from my nail beds. Killing her was too good. Besides, I had a small job for her before death.

"No? This is my prison. I decide what happens to her and she's not walking out of here alive." Santiago's fists clenched.

"Token. We can't keep her in this prison and we can't let her free. She won't talk. The only other option is death." Brynjar rested a hand on my shoulder.

I clenched my jaw. "I didn't say we let her free, but we're not killing her."

"And what do you suppose we do with her then? Open a zoo?" A sharp breeze ruffled Santiago's hair.

"We're going to send her to Hell." I stood and dragged the black trash bag closer to the witch.

"You want to open a portal to Hell here and now?" Santiago's voice was full of disbelief.

"Yes. I'll use my blood. I'll only keep it open long enough to send her through with a small gift. It'll be completely controlled." The portal would be open for a few seconds at most.

"You're doing all this to send over a small gift." He scoffed. "Unbelievable. And if a demon gets through?"

"It won't happen."

"If it does?" His tone was hard. It was understandable. We'd lost so many today, he didn't want to risk loosing more.

"Then we take care of it, easy." Gier was one of two princes with magic. If we could take on Gier, the rest of the demons would be easy.

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