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I stared at the canvas bag on the counter as I set a plate rice, eggs, and stir fry on the table. Harper took the plate, drizzling soy sauce over the entire thing. She shuffled through her backpack to grab her favorite water bottle. She's been under my family's care for the past few years now.

Another child grabbed my hand, tugging to get my attention. "Some milk?"

A bowl clattered to the floor. Food splattered across the counter of the high chair. High pitched wailing started.

I blew out a small breath. Seven children total; one was a toddler, another was a baby. I was in over my head. The children just kept coming.

Alistar teleported to the table, napkins in hand. He was already cleaning up the food, setting the bowl back on the mini table. The empty bowl went flying again. He let out a small laugh. "Okay, you clearly don't want rice. Should we try some cereal?" He gave me a small smile. "I got this one."

Valentino was already prying milk from the fridge. "I heard a request for milk. Anyone want orange juice?" There were a few small wails for orange juice.

I grabbed the empty plate. The stove was still warm with fresh food. The rice cooker steamed in the corner. I packed more food onto the plate, adding the last fried egg on top. I stopped by the canvas bag, peering into it. The kids could've mixed up their lunch pails, accidentally using one of the bags Malachi liked to take to work. When I glanced inside, a variety of raw meats were chopped and thrown together in a makeshift salad. 

Nope, not the kid's lunch. Malachi's. He'd left for work almost a half-hour ago, already running late. We'd slept in this morning. Almost every night he slept with me, we slept in. Those morning he tended to be in a rush.

I blew a small raspberry.

Another set of small hand wrapped around my legs. Hair was neatly pulled back into a high-ponytail. She grabbed the plate by me, asking, "Is this mine?"

I nodded. "If you want something to drink, Valentino is taking requests."

She turned to Valentino. "Strawberry milkshake?"

Valentino glanced at the clock. "Fine, only because we have extra time before I need to get you all to school."

The table erupted with complaints. Everyone wanted a milk shake. There were requests for strawberry, vanilla, and Oreo. Valentino groaned but pulled the blender out. He grabbed fruits and ice cream and a crap ton of cups.

The small bowl went flying again. Milk and cereal poured to the ground.

Harper screamed, lifting her backpack off the ground. She glared at the toddler in the high-chair. "Really, Koen? You got cereal all over my stuff."

The toddler only giggled.

Brynjar rested a hand on my back. A comb and hair ties were in his other hand. "Go. We'll handle the children."

I glanced at the lunch again. The drive to the university Malachi taught at was almost 40 minutes. He'd never have the time to get his lunch today. But the children were more chaotic than normal this morning.

"We'll be fine. Valentino will drive the younger three to school. I will take Cyrus and Harper. Alistar will stay behind and watch the two little ones," Brynjar said.

I glanced at Alistar, who was already having a hell of a time with the toddler. Once the infant woke up . . . 

Brynjar pushed Malachi's lunch towards me. "Go change and take it to him."

Valentino laughed. "You hear that, you little shits, I'm taking you to school today. Better be on you best behavior or I'll leave you there too."

Harper set her dishes in the sink. "You're leaving? Can I come too?"

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