21 | The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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My mouth went dry as I glanced to Brynjar, wide eyed. "Do you think they made it through?"

I could feel both Valentino and Alistar through the bond, the feeling only partially comforting. I couldn't reach out and pin point their location. That wasn't how the bond worked. It was more like an emergency button, it was my job to find them.

I was a shit tracker.

Brynjar nodded. "I doubt that portal leads anywhere else other than Earth. It would've made it easier for others to find it."

"Can you track them?" I dropped the bags to the ground, my shoulders exhausted.

"No. They could be anywhere in the world. It'll take longer for us to look for them. It's faster if we head to where we originally planned."

"What about Mirai?" Mirai didn't know where Brynjar's family estate was. Hell, I didn't even know.

"Alistar was with her when the went through. He'll take care of her. If not, he'll find her." He gripped my chin. "Don't worry about it, she's a strong kid."

"Yeah, she is." I couldn't help but worry.

He kissed the tip of my nose. "Stay here. Let me see if I can find a phone."

I blew a raspberry as he disappeared. I needed to make a call too. Diane was probably panicking from how long I had been gone.

A girl with curly hair passed in front of me, and I held out my hand stopping her. "Hey can I borrow your phone? I need to make a call real quick."

She looked at me and blinked. Then she spoke in a language I was unfamiliar with.

I held my hand to my ear, my pinky and thumb sticking out to symbolize a phone. "Can I borrow your phone?"

Her eyes widened and she shuffled through her purse, pulling out a phone. Nodding, she unlocked it and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I quickly dialed Diane's number.

She picked up after three rings. "Hello?"

"Diane, it's Token." I tapped my finger against the phone case. If there was one person who I was afraid of getting a scolding from, it was Diane.

She sucked in a sharp breath. "Mistress, you—I've been worried." Anger laced into her voice. "When you said you'd be gone, I didn't expect weeks of no contact."

"I was in the fae realm. We just got back. I wanted to check in." I didn't doubt my business was doing fine. Diane was more than capable of running it herself.

"I know." She sighed. "Everything is fine here. Where are you know? Do you need me to get you another ride home?"

"I don't need a ride home. I'm going to be gone a little longer. I think I'm somewhere in Europe right now." Where in Europe, I had no clue. It was the texture of the language spoken around me that had me guessing Europe.

"Where are you going now?"

"My mate's family estate." I didn't know if I could fly with him tonight. I was tired. Maybe we could find a hotel to crash in for the night.

"The dragon's family? Where is that?" Somedays I wasn't sure Diane was very fond of my mates. It was probably from my constant complaining and the overprotectiveness she had of me. It'd been that way since we first met.

"Yes. I think it's somewhere in Norway." That was at least where Brynjar was originally from.

She was quiet for a few seconds. "Please be careful, Mistress."

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