22 | For Forever

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Brynjar readjusted me on the bed. Actually, he'd practically tossed me hard enough to bounce. He didn't wait until I had settled, pouncing on top of me.

The bed creaked under our weight. His mouth slammed into mine, lips searing against my own. His entire body was hot under my touch. The heat and weight of him warmed me to my core.

I moaned when his hands dipped under my shirt, dragging my clothes up. Within seconds my entire body was bare. I was clawing to rip his clothes off.

My hand dipped into his pants and wrapped around his cock. He twitched in my hand, veins pulsing. 

The material of the fae cloth stretched from his erection. I tugged at him until he was fully free from constraint.

Pre-cum beaded at his tip as I pumped him. I braced my hand against his stomach, leaning down. My tongue traced over the slit at his head, lapping every drop he gave me.

He buried his hand in my hair with a groan. Before I could do more, he pressed my back against the bed.

The callouses and scars covering his hands brushed against my skin, radiating heat. My nerves tingled where his fingers feathered over, straight to my core.

The air seemed entirely cooler brushing against my body in his wake. Goosebumps trailed down my stomach.

His eyes slowly dragged up my body.

I withered beneath the heat of his stare, my legs closing on their own.

Both his hands braced on my knees, prying them apart so he could get a better view.

His eyes stopped for a brief moment, locked on me. His tongue peaked out, running over the seam of his lips. The gold in his eyes darkened with hunger.

He ran the tip of his finger over my opening, collecting my moisture. Warmth and moisture followed as he dragged his finger south. He didn't stop until the tip of his finger pressed against my asshole.

I sucked in a breath, fists tightening around the sheets.

"Has anyone been here yet?" His finger circled the area, but didn't push.

"No." My voice was soft, a small moan.

"Soon. Not tonight, but soon." It was a promise he sealed with the soft press of his lips against mine.

He shifted until he found a comfortable position between my legs. His lips hovered against my own. "Last chance to say no."

I reached down, finding his length and giving him another stroke. "I want you to fuck me."

He groaned at my words, hands flexed at my hips. The head of his cock nudged at my entrance. 

I jerked my hips up, needing him in me. In a small thrust he pushed into me. He pulling out and pushed back in, deeper. 

And deeper. 

And deeper until he couldn't possibly burry himself in me further.

My nails dug into his back when his movements stayed at that same slow, steady pace. He was holding back and I wanted it all.

I found the soft spot of skin between his shoulder and neck. 

"Harder," I whispered and sunk my teeth into his skin. My nails dragged down his back, to the top of his ass.

He slammed into me, head tilting back with a growl loud enough to shake me to my core. I let go of his skin, lapping at the wound with my tongue.

I peppered kisses down his chest, finding the tattoo over his heart. "Don't hold back." I sunk my teeth in one more.

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