33 | Heartbreak

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"How are you coping, Mistress?" Diane took a seat closer to me.

It was usual of us to linger after everyone was gone. We both stayed in the same city where as the rest of my team was scattered between hotels.

"I'm doing well." It wasn't a lie. I was grieving and upset, but well.

Diane eyed Malachi. "I'm surprised your mates didn't show up. Aren't they over protective of you?"

I rolled my neck, muscles aching from the constant traveling of the past week. "Yes. We argued the entire flight about it. So they finally settled for me to have her tag along instead of all four of them." I waved at Malachi who was toiling with a lock of his hair.

"I don't recognize her as a usual body guard. You're typically very selective." Diane crossed her legs. "Are they far?"

"Back at the hotel. She's a hunter they worked with before. It was how I got away with being here with a stranger." From the corner of my eye, I saw Malachi shift his weight. He was growing anxious.

"How odd. Would you like to get a drink with me, Mistress?" She nodded to Malachi. "She can come too. I'm sure you wouldn't be allowed if she didn't anyways."

I frowned. I was allowed to do whatever I pleased. My mates' concern was more for my safety. 

"Tell me, Diane." My fists clenched on my light blue jeans. "How long have you been working with the witches?"

There was a moment of silence before she burst out laughing. I still caught the small fear pooling in her. "Out of all the things I've heard out of your mouth, this is the most ridiculous. Don't tell me you've already taken a few shots without me?" 

"No. I haven't." I haven't been this sober in decades. My thoughts have never been this clear. "Which is why I ask. How long have you been working with the witches?"

She patted my shoulder, still giggling. "You're too stressed. I'm sure a glass or two of alcohol will help you relax."

"Why? So you can take advantage of me again, like you've been doing these past few years? Do you think the alcohol will help cover your tracks now that I know the truth?" I'd been too lost in delusion back then to see the tiny mistakes I'd made. The biggest one was trusting her.

Malachi aimed a gun at her, but she dismissed him. There wasn't any concern in her eyes.

"I gave you a home, a job, Diane. I made sure you were in an environment where the people wouldn't shun you for what you were, where you could be happy." I wanted to know why.

"You are nothing but a deadbeat." She snarled. "You were so lost in grief and pain it was easy to manipulate you. All I had to do was get on the bartending shifts in the right moment and start giving you drinks."


"You don't get it. I needed a way to get a better life from what I had before. The witches offered me that choice, they offered a world of equality." There wasn't a trace of the usual, kind Diane I knew.

"As did I. I put you in charge of my hotel, gave you power." Perhaps there was more to this. "The witches aren't offering equality, they're offering a world where they're the ones in power. You preach for equality of all kind then take advantage of me for what I am. "

"The world is a cruel place, Mistress. You just happened to be born from the wrong two people, born with privilege." 

"I want to know how long you've been working with the witches. I want to know everything."

"Before we even met." Her hands slipped in her pocket. "It wasn't hard. I applied for a job where you lived. And you couldn't help but play the hero to help cope with all the guilt you harbor, accepting a poor, helpless troll."

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