32 | Dig

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Brynjar and Alistar set my brother's casket on the gravel pavement. We'd landed in Japan an hour ago and hadn't wasted anytime.

We'd barely stayed at my house, only picking up shovels. The grave stone I ordered would take another week before it was completed. Diane was kind enough to have the details worked out for me through the phone.

The lot was fairly small. There was enough room to comfortably fit five graves. Lee had just enough room to lay with the rest of my family. 

I wasn't going to expand what small property I owned at the cemetery. I didn't plan on burying anyone else after today.

I grabbed a shovel from Malachi, picking a spot right next to my youngest sibling. He was only weeks away from turning seven before the bombing.

Malachi and I cut and peeled the first layer of grass away. Valentino was there making sure the dimensions were right.

Brynjar grabbed a shovel and sunk it into the dirt. The three of us began to dig.

The sun kissed the tree line by the time we had enough dirt cleared to fit the small casket. Malachi and Brynjar lowered Lee's body down into the hole. Both sighed and stepped back when done.

Alistar teleported next to us, holding to-go containers. His nails were caked with dirt. "I have dinner. Ready for a break?"

"Yes." Valentino collapsed onto the grass, peeling off the gardening gloves. He and Alistar had been working diligently to get every weed off the grounds and clean the garden. 

I rarely ever let anyone on this ground, not even to clean the graves.

I rested my forehead against the wood handle of the shovel, catching my breath. Sweat dripped down my temples.

Malachi looked through the containers of food. "Did you get me something too?"

"Of course." Alistar nodded. "I even got a few of your favorite desserts and hot chocolate if you wanted some, Token."

My bottom lip wobbled as I shook my head, throat too tight to respond. I bit my lip to stop the quivering.

Brynjar wrapped a hand around my shovel. "Come sit down with us, even if you don't eat anything. You need a break."

I couldn't stop now, I was seconds away from breaking. "I'll be there in a bit." My voice was small.

He nodded, let go, and grabbed a tray from Alistar. 

My breath hitched as I tried to hold back a sob. I couldn't take a break. I tightened my grip on the shovel. Blisters on the pads of my hands already popped. 

It didn't matter. The pain of my hands helped numb the pain in my heart.

I began shoveling the dirt over the coffin. With each scoop of dirt, Lee's engraved name blurred to a point past recognition. It wasn't from being covered, but from the tears welling in my eyes.

Two then three tears dropped into the soft soil beneath me. I had to take a quick second to whip my eyes so I could see again.

A hand gripped my shoulder, stopping me.

I didn't look at Valentino. "Go ahead and take a break with the others. I'll join you in a second."

"You're such a shit liar." He grabbed Brynjar shovel and began helping me fill the grave. "I don't need to eat or take a break yet. Besides, the sooner we finish here the sooner I can go home and shower."

This was the first time he'd mentioned wanting to be clean and it wasn't too much of a complaint. Even as he kneeled on the lawn, pulling weeds and grass staining his pair of jeans, he didn't say a word.

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