20 | Almost Custom Ordered

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Valentino and I brought the last of the crap we were taking back to Earth by the South Tower's door. It took longer and more effort than it should have to drag so much shit across the castle. Though, it would've been faster if Valentino hadn't taken so make breaks, dragging me into a secluded room and pleasuring the both of us.

I sighed and double checked one of the bags, making sure there was enough hair removal cream. "Should I've gotten more?"

Valentino peered over my shoulder. "Really? We already have a bag of that shit. It's not like you need it. I'm more concerned about not bringing enough of the fae clothes back. I can't find that on Earth."

"What's wrong with cotton?" None of us knew when we'd be able to come back. The portals were still fucked up. Each one of us got a few bags from Serene to fill with crap to take back.

"Nothing, I just like this cloth. Do you know how much money we could make if I created a line of clothes from this?" He rubbed the cloth between his fingers.

"Let the people keep their money. We're fine the way we are." We were well off financially. With my business and Valentino's running well none of us had anything to worry about. 

He smirked. "Wanna take another quick break while we wait for the others?"

"You want to go for another round?" I gave him a tired laugh. I was still out of breath from the last round on the way back.

"We don't have to." He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I'm happy spending time with you like this."

Well, when he puts it that way . . .

I grabbed his hand and tugged him up. There was another room nearby we could slip into. "No I'm good to go again."

"Token, if you're tired—" He cut off mid sentence at my glare.

The nearest room was only a dozen feet away, and I'd practically kicked the door open. The lights flicked on, a few sizzling from the lack of use.

Most of the South Tower was used as storage, at least from what we've been told. But every room we've been in hasn't been much different. Old portraits, antique furniture, and decorations—junk no one wanted around but didn't want to throw out.

I ripped the dusty sheets off the furniture lying around. Valentino leaned against a splintered dresser, watching me with a smirk. "And here I thought I was the horny one."

There was no mistaking the bulge in his pants when I glanced down. I wasn't sure which one of us was more needy, not when the cloth between my thighs was uncomfortably damp.

He laughed when I practically pounced on him. My fingers dipped into the the waistline of his pants. That calm smirk stayed plastered to his face.

It disappeared as soon as I wrapped my hand around him. I stroked up and down his length while tugging his pants away. He snapped when I ran my tongue over the seam of his lips.

I was scooped into his arms. In less than three steps he was at the antique table I'd uncovered, laying me down. He tugged my pants enough to bare myself to him. I kicked off the rest.

There wasn't enough time to idol around, but his fingers slowly traced up my thigh. My hips bucked off the table, urging him to touch me. He brushed against my core, teasingly, then circled my clit.

My arms entwined around his neck, pulling him to me and sealing our lips together. His hand dragged up my abdomen, lifting my shirt up until it was above my breasts. He gently traced my nipples through the thin fabric of my bra.

He pulled away from me, dipping his head down so his tongue took the place of his fingers. The warmth of his mouth spread over the cloth of the bra, making it as damp as my folds. His hand fumbled to find the clasp behind my back.

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