35 | Blood

847 60 3

I stood to the side of the hotel entrance, gently tucked under Valentino's arm. Malachi was busy stuffing our luggage in the cart. Brynjar was checking out at the desk. Alistar was picking up food and snacks at the restaurant nearby.

Another minute and Alistar teleported to us. He handed a bag for Valentino to carry.

Brynjar finally finished at the desk, tucking his wallet away. "Everyone ready?" He glanced around, looking for Malachi.

"He's already out there." I tugged at another bag Alistar carried, wanting to help.

I snatched a couple fries while we walked out. A little food wouldn't kill me.

All the doors to the car were open. I paused, remembering why. We'd forgotten to crack the windows open last night.

Malachi was already sitting shotgun, scrolling through his phone. I slid into the back seat, hoping the scent wasn't too bad.

Wishful thinking.

It was still pungent, as if we'd finished having sex minutes ago.

Valentino and Alistar settled in next to me, shutting the door. Alistar's eyes caught on the window.

Brynjar was last, taking his spot at the driver's seat before closing his door. He rolled the windows up while settling in, a confused look on his face.

There was a moment of silence before Brynjar sighed. He pressed a button and all the windows rolled down again. I was pretty sure the trunk window cracked open too.

Valentino cracked up in laughter. "Really you two, in the car?"

Alistar rolled his window up half-way. He pressed his palm against it.

Mirroring his hand was my own hand print, barely noticeable.

Alistar turned and grinned at me. My cheeks were burning. Brynjar had glanced at the handprints, shaking his head.

This set Valentino off, howling loud enough to drag the attention of a few people passing by.

Alistar's window rolled back down, Brynjar controlling it from the front seat. "The windows are staying down."

"Valentino, shut up." Malachi groaned, sinking into his chair. We'd gotten home late last night and woken up early. He didn't get his beauty sleep.

"This is your fault. You two decided to fuck in the car we're going to drive for the next five hours." Valentino choked on his words, laughter consuming him.

We could've had Alistar teleport me and Valentino to our destination. But Brynjar and Malachi would be stuck carrying too much luggage. Valentino had done another shopping run yesterday to get me clothes and other essentials.

"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep." His eyes were already closed, armed crossed over his chest.

"Make me." Valentino grinned.

Malachi shifted, right before the click of a gun. He turned around, the gun aimed at Valentino. "Shut up."

Valentino was just as fast. A gun pointed at Malachi the second he saw him shift in his seat. "Next time you won't get Token if this is how you act the next day."

I rolled my eyes, leaning on Alistar. It was best to let the two figure it out themselves.

"If someone calls the cops, I'm making you both walk." Brynjar started the engine, putting the car in drive.

Malachi grinned and pulled the trigger. It only clicked, the safety on.

Valentino pulled the trigger too, that same click echoing. "Feel better now?"

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