34 | Car S*x

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Brynjar was pissed. His frustration partly came from Malachi and I ditching him with babysitting Valentino and Alistar.

The other part was from how he didn't think to ask me on a date first. It was rare to have enough time in a new city for us to explore. His words, not mine.

I didn't think too much about it, not when Valentino fussed over my outfit. Alistar handed me a few extra knives and Brynjar made sure I had a jacket.

It was barely autumn, the summer weather still lingering. I didn't need the jacket, or extra weapons.

I knew the three left behind were probably planning something against Malachi. It happened every time one of them got too much alone time with me.

Besides, I wanted to enjoy tonight. Malachi had plans I didn't want to ruin.

"You've been to California before, right?" Malachi parked the rental car on the side of a street.

The place already seemed to be packed with empty cars. I couldn't find where the people were. The building around us weren't filled with life. The crowds sounded in the distance, a mix of chatter and music.

"Yes, but I haven't explored it." I went for the occasional conference.

"Well, today we are going to explore it." He got out and waited on the sidewalk for me.

I sat in the car, waiting for him. When he still stood there, questioning look on his face, I rolled down the window. "Will you be a gentleman and escort me out of the car?"

He rolled his eyes. "Get your ass out here, Token. You don't need me to open your car door."

I didn't need him to open my car door. Most days I opened it myself.

Today I felt like being a pain in the ass. Was it so wrong to want to be spoiled every so often? "Malachi, why won't you treat me like a princess?"

The scent of spices and sweets filled my senses. There was music blasting down the block.

He snorted. "Princess? You're a vixen. Let's go."

I did my best to pout my lip and look up at him from under my lashes. "It's been a long day."

Malachi ran a hand over his braids with a sigh.

A grin stretched my lips as I rolled the window up. I won.

He opened the car door for me, a hand outstretched. I used his hand to help me out.

When I went to pull away, Malachi gripped my hand and shut the car door. He readjusted me so our arms linked, my hand wrapped around the crook of his arm. "Nope. You're the one who wants to be spoiled and play princess tonight."

"I am a princess, you ass." I nudged him with my hip into one of the nearby bushes.

He barely stumbled. "You're not, and we both know that."

I pressed my cheek into his shoulder. "You don't think I'm a princess?"

If he though I was one or wasn't didn't really matter to me. I knew the life of a typical and traditional princess wasn't for me. The gowns, dancing, taking to people, being nice. None of that was something I could properly execute.

I would be a . . . modern princess.

"No. I don't believe you're a princess." Malachi finally said after a small pause. His voice no longer held that teasing tone. "You're the heir of an entire kingdom, a queen."

I frowned.

Being a queen was even less of something I could do. I could barely govern myself.

I was quiet for too long. It was Malachi's turn to nudge me. "Don't tell me you're rethinking your decision of playing princess tonight."

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