15 | Shut Up Already

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I'd dropped my illusion long ago, exhaustion weighing in.

My powers weren't depleted. I wasn't physically tired. But I wanted a break, at least a week long. No more disruptions, chaos. Just me, my mates, and Mirai. A vacation.

Too bad I was the queen of destruction. Chaos followed me everywhere.

Sonder sat next to me, feet skimming the water with his shoes on. "Let me guess, boy problems?"

I frowned and scooted a few inches away from him. "Yeah."

"I hope it isn't my little brother you're mad at." He smiled. His face twisted so similar to Alistar's. There was no doubt the two were related.

"I'm mad at them all." I was mad at the entire universe—everything and anyone.

He hummed. "Ah, they must've really fucked up. Do you mind me asking what they did to piss you off so much? I mean, you don't seem like the type to let tiny inconveniences bother you."

I narrowed my eyes on him and pulled myself out of the water. He didn't know me, not one bit. I let everything bother me, from the tiniest of inconveniences. "I do mind, actually. It's none of your business."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I was just worried, since you're now family and all." His chestnut hued eyes widen and he held his hands up in surrender, scrambling to stand with me. "I actually have been meaning to find you. I wanted to talk to you."

"Why? Don't you want to check on your brother, make sure he's fine?" I hadn't seen him once since the throne room incident. And even then, he seemed more enthralled with the world around him rather than Alistar.

"I did." He brushed his clothes off. "Though, you were passed out when I'd met with him. We had time to bond again, but I've been busy. I haven't had a chance to meet with you."

I sighed and tucked my short hair behind my ears. The freshly cut ends scratched at my neck. I should've shaved it off. Maybe I was letting my irritation ruin everything. He was probably only trying to get to know me.

"Sorry, I'm just . . ." I trialed off, unsure of how to explain myself to him. "You said you've been meaning to talk to me, is there anything specific?"

He grinned. "Yes. I know you've already said it, but I wanted to be sure. Are you really a demon? A princess from Hell?"

"Yeah. Why? Is that a problem?" I crossed my arms. It wouldn't be the first time I'd been tossed aside for who I was.

His grin faltered. "No, no, no. I just couldn't believe my little brother landed such a powerful mate. Or that your name is really Token." He cleared his throat. "But I wanted to ask for your help."

"With what?" I was about ready to go find my mates, find Brynjar. Now that I'd had time to clear my mind, I may have overreacted. But I couldn't just drop kick Alistar's brother, no matter how done I was with this converstation.

"I need to borrow some of your power. There's a shift in our world happening. I fear I don't have enough power at the moment to save my kingdom." His gaze dropped to the water.

I frowned. That wasn't how my magic or blood worked. "I can't give you my power. This seems like a conversation we should be having with Serene, Alistar, and your mother. We can go find them right now."

"I thought you might say that." The small glare of a blade being pulled from behind him was enough warning for me to lunge back. He arched the blade up, only managing a small slice into my arm as I blocked. "Which is why I have a backup plan."

I sunk into a defensive stance, a good distance away from him. The entrance to the castle was just behind him. I needed a distraction, my powers.

"I double checked to make sure I had your full birth name for this." The blade glimmered in his hand, almost as if a sheen of water coated it. "Token Asmodeus, Crown Princess of Hell, I bind your mind, body, and soul to me. From this day forth, you and I are one." He leaned down and drew a small marking on the floor. It was an older language I didn't recognize.

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