Bonus Chapter | Brynjar

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Completely unedited, but here's a little piece of the wedding. ;)


Brynjar wasn't sure how Valentino pulled the entire wedding off. 

Flower garlands draped through the trees. Tiny fairy lights weaved through the petals, illuminating each flower. The brass chandeliers were custom made, as was every decoration Valentino had ordered. It was the perfect contrast to his mate.

Her gown was as dark as her hair, letting her pale skin peak through the sheer material. Her veil was as long as the train of her dress. She'd changed after the reception into something more practical for movement. Still a dress, but the new gown barely skimmed the floor. Her sneakers peaked through every once in a while.

Alistar teleported to Brynjar's side. Strands of blonde hair fell from his, once neat, bun. His suit was unbuttoned, hands shoved in his pockets. A permanent, soft smile had etched his face the entire evening.

"I never thought we'd come this far." Alistar dusted his suit off. It was no use. The material was smeared with dirt and bits of cake, curtesy of Cyrus.

Brynjar sighed, setting his half-empty champagne glass on a tray one of the waiters carried as he walked by. The apple cider had gone flat. There was no alcohol at this party, not that it bothered him. "There's still a lot more work to be done."

Alistar gave him a flat look. "Must you always turn everything into something solemn? Just enjoy the moment, enjoy what we've accomplished."

He did take pride in how far they've come, especially Token. She'd managed to weave her way into his mind in a matter of weeks. It took her even less time to become the most valuable and prized treasure.

Mirai's scream had him jerking his attention away from Alistar. She screamed again as Valentino twirled her around the dance floor.

"You worry about everything too much. Maybe it's time for you to retire, relax a little." Alistar grinned.

Brynjar glared at him. He did relax. Occasionally. Sometimes. Rarely. Maybe never. It didn't matter. He could only find himself relaxing around Token. The anxiety constantly clawed through his veins otherwise. "I know for a fact you have a blade hidden on you right now. Don't tell me to relax."

The smug bastard's grin only widened. "A blade? My dear brother, you should know better by now. I have five on me and another dozen scattered around the area. I said relax, not let your guard down." He pushed his coat back a little further so I could see the hilt of a knife peaking out of a hidden coat pocket. "Go have fun. Even Token is letting loose."

"I'm sure she has a weapon hidden on her too." Brynjar was enjoying himself, but tonight wasn't about him. It was about her. Her and Malachi. And, of course, Valentino. He somehow always found a way to squirm his way into everything, especially when it had to do with Token. A small burning wrapped around his chest, squeezing his heart. 

He wanted to be up there too. Only, he was too afraid to. Afraid he'd ruin her moment. There was too much that needed to be controlled, too much that was out of his control. 

Token's eyes caught his from across the courtyard. She paused mid-conversation with a guest to arch a brow at him. Her eyes pierced his, the sharp violet etching her soul into his own.


Alistar's words burned in the back of his mind.

Brynjar tugged at his tie, loosening it so he could undo the first few button. Token's eyes followed his movements. Her gaze lingered on his chest. Desire flushed her cheeks.

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