39 | Another Mate

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The demon's body rolled off the wood ledge, barely missing mine as I tugged him. My weight shifted back with his body, and I was falling through the air.

Then I wasn't.

A familiar grip tightened around my wrist. Sugar filled the air. "Hello, my love."

Alistar teleported us to the top of the platform. "I'm glad I came a few days early. Seems like you could use the help."

I threw my arms around his neck tugging him down to me. He grunted but willingly complied. I pressed our lips together, taking a deep inhale of his scent.

The clicking of heels echoed up the ladder. I tugged the pistol from my pocket aiming it at the top of the ladder. En's head popped up. He paused, eyes focused on Alistar's hands wrapped around my waist. He finally glanced at the pistol aimed at him, before turning to my arm wrapped around Alistar's neck. 

"You're supposed to destroy the alarms, not fuck around." He pulled himself up the rest of the way. "This is your final mate?" The words begged me to say yes, as if he couldn't handle any more men in my love life.

"Yup, this is Alistar." I grinned, then pressed a kiss to Alistar's cheek.

En sighed an held out his hand for Alistar. "En, Token's—."

"Her brother." Alistar bypassed my brother's hand. He pulled En into him for a hug, whispering into his ear so low I couldn't hear. En only nodded, patted Alistar on the back and pulled away.

I cut the string inside the bell. The metal ball fell to the wood with a loud thunk. En messed with the wires of the sirens with his knife until all of the circuits were cut.

Alistar grabbed the rope of the bell, swinging by his side. He stepped up to the edge of the platform, aimed, and threw the bell ball at a soldier. 

The chord wrapped around his neck, tugging him to the ground. He didn't get back up.

"Rune taught me that trick a long time ago. Never thought I'd use it." Alistar grabbed my hand. "Ready?" I nodded and he glanced back to my brother. "We'll meet you at the bottom." 

My brother only raised his eyebrows. Alistar and I were at the storage units a second later. I could see my brother shake his head at the top of the platform, climbing down.

"Malachi filled me in just before I came to help you." 

Our group had already left a metal crate empty. Wooden boxes were dragged into the tall grass. At least a hundred dragons were here to help. It'd make carrying the load back easier.

I tugged Alistar into the empty crate, shutting the metal plates behind us with a click. The camp was lit ablaze, tents burning. Fire peaked through the cracks at the seams, lighting my mate's icy eyes on fire. "I missed you," I whispered the words on his lips—a plea for help.

I felt his lips tilt up at the corners against mine. "Are you sure you want to miss the fun out there? I even brought some hot chocolate." His hands dragged down my body already knowing the answer. 

"Yes." I arched into his touch, begging him to touch me.

The straps across my waist loosened as he pulled my clothes down enough to bare me. It didn't take him long to get me out of all the gear Malachi strapped on to me. The straps came off easier than they were to put on. My back pressed against the metal door. He sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers brushed against my sex. I was already soaked.

He pressed his lips beneath my jaw, lightly sucking, and dipped a finger into me. He thrusted, making sure to thoroughly coat his finger before adding a second.

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