41 | The Fall of Gehenna

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Gen had stepped in to help Brynjar. Him and a group of dragons fought Frossare. Talon lines streaked my mate's side. Frossare had managed to pierce his scales.

I tucked myself beneath Brynjar's gold wing. "I need you to fly me to Gehenna."

He jerked his chin towards me with a huff. Smoke billowed from his nose into my face. I coughed, waving it away. "We can pick up the others on the way." Alistar would probably teleport there.

He growled, low enough for only me to hear. His wing wrapped around me, pushing me until I was pressed against his leg. I wasn't going anywhere and nothing but him could touch me from here.

Brynjar no doubt didn't like the idea of me going there with so little protection. Before, we'd have an entire army to protect us. Now, we weren't sure how many were left alive. Almost everyone was fighting the battle here, at the fallen base.

"My brother will be going too." His hold tightened around me. "We can bring Gen, and anyone else that's ready in the next few minutes."

His wing finally unwrapped around me. He pressed it to the ground, creating a ramp. I'd finally convinced him to take me.

I scrambled up, my brother following.

Brynjar body vibrated as he let out a low growl. Gen turned to face him, then back at Frossare.

"They can handle Frossare. He's the only one with high ranking left. Everyone else are soldiers. When they're done here, they'll join us in Gehenna." En reloaded his gun. "Right now, we need to hurry. Dorinta is probably on his way, or worse, Krenari."

Brynjar pushed himself into the air. My short hair tangled in the wind, strands flying in my brother's face. Gen was right behind. 

Brynjar dipped low to the ground when we spotted Malachi and Valentino. Gen grabbed the two with his claws, tossing them on his back. They scrambled to right themself, but eventually found their bearings.

"What the hell? Why don't we get to sit with Token?" Valentino clutched on to Gen's scales until his knuckles blanched.

Alistar teleported on Brynjar a second later. Blood stained his clothes, his hair, his skin. It dripped onto the black scales. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek between his shoulder blades. 

The City of Gehenna was beautiful from above. The buildings towered on top of each other in no particular pattern. It would've been much more beautiful if it wasn't burning. 

The outer city was in shambles. Soldiers plowed through the street, pulling families from their homes. Goods were thrown through windows, packed in bags and taken away. When they were done, they raised aim and fired. Only, this time the people fought back. Soldiers were being beat by mobs of civilians. Most cheered as we flew by.

"Gen, you better fly faster." Valentino loaded his rifle, aiming behind Gen.

Frossare came tumbling through the sky. One of his wing had a tear. 

Valentino fired. Frossare twisted in the air. Two bullets went through his wing. It only made Frossare fall faster. He tucked his wing into his body and let the gravity take him.

"Son of a—"

"Rune." Malachi grabbed Valentino, trowing him off Gen. A second later Malachi followed. 

Valentino screamed as he became airborne.

Frossare slammed into Gen. Both of them lost their elegance in the air, tumbling to the ground. Teeth and claws snapped, tore into each other.

Brynjar barely had time to react. It was his brother or my mates. He tucked his wings tight into his body, chest rumbling in warning, and dove. My grip on Alistar tightened and my eyes closed. The wind was too much with the speed we fell at.

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