19 | Sweats

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I tucked a loose strand of my short hair behind my ear. I didn't know what to do with it besides leave it down. There weren't any curling irons. Even if there were, I wouldn't know how to do my own hair.

Valentino let out a low whistle as I stepped out of the bathroom. "Damn you look good. I'm surprised you actually wore the dress."

Malachi's eyes were caught on my shoes, casual sneakers. "Of course you won't wear the heels."

I huffed and rested a hand on my hip. The dark material clung to my body, shimmering a variety of colors in the light over the black cloth. "Who said I wore the dress?"

Valentino raised a brow at me.

I smirked and pulled back the illusion. Sweatpants and a sweatshirt replaced the extravagant dress I wore. I could've made the shoes appear too, but my mates knew me too well. They would've known I wouldn't wear the shoes, at least without tripping everywhere. 

The heels would've altered my height too much. It was more of a pain to wrap so much illusion around me when I could've come to this agreement.

The door to the bathroom was pushed wider. The dress Serene gave me for the night was draped over the shower door.

Malachi snorted. "I shouldn't have expected anything less."

Valentino held out his arm to me. "Shall we?"

I wrapped a layer of illusion back over myself, the casual clothes disappearing. "Can't I procrastinate a little longer?"

"No, we're already late. Everyone has been waiting on you for the past half hour." Malachi held the door open for me. "Alistar already checked in twice."

I'd insisted I needed to get ready on my own. Not to procrastinate, well maybe a little, but to thoroughly go through my hair and pluck out any gray strands that popped up. There weren't many but I still found a few lighter strands. I was worried about wrinkles appearing soon too.

I patted Malachi's chest on the way out. "You look good in a suit."

Malachi grumbled to himself, diverting his gaze. He had a classic black suit on, dreadlocks pulled back. Simple, but perfect.

"How about me?" Valentino tugged me closer to him. "Do I look good in a suit too?"

I shrugged with a smirk. "It's okay."

"Okay? What do you mean I look okay?" Valentino had stopped walking to look down at his clothes. His maroon suit and black button up shirt fit him so well.

From what I knew, he had the fae alter our clothes to appear more modern—Earthen. He said their usual style was too out of character for him.

"Exactly what I mean. You look okay in this suit." I looped an arm in his and my other with Malachi.

"What the hell is wrong with my suit?" He picked at the material, as if removing non-existent dust would help.

"Nothing is wrong with the suit. You'd just look better without it on." I sent a small wink his way, biting my lip to suppress my grin.

Valentino didn't try to hide his grin, not even as Malachi shook his head with a sigh. "You sly little demon. Are you trying your hand at flirting? You had me worried for a second, I actually though something was wrong."

Malachi snorted. "This is nothing. You should've heard her when she was high."

I shoved Malachi with my hip. "Shut up."

Valentino blinked at the two of us. "When did you two get high? Where was I?"

"It was in the forest. She face planted into a tree and inhaled the fumes. Rune and I had to take turns carrying her for the next two days or so." Malachi didn't bother pushing me back, his words revenge enough. "You should've heard her. 'Fuck me against the tree. Let me ride you on this very ground.'"

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