28 | Pissed Off Dragon

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"Ouch." Malachi pulled my hands from his head once more. "Stop it hurts."

I toyed with the end braid of his cornrows instead. "Still? It's been a day already."

"Yes, still. Do you know how tight these braids are? The hair stylist was pulling so hard I thought my scalp would rip off." Malachi pulled my hands into his lap.

Brynjar gave us a small glare. A silent command to shut up and listen.

I'd stopped listening to the meeting 10 minutes ago, entirely bored. I already knew everything that was being said.

"So you're telling me to risk my life, and my family's life for your mate?" The dragons jaw ticked, his dark hair ruffling from a breeze.

If I remembered correctly, he ruled the East side of the city. It was the side of the city where those who traveled from the Americas tended to cluster, those gifted with the ability to wield air.

The city was vastly diverse. Most dragon cities across the world were supposed to be, from what I learned. Though there weren't many, one or two other cities, but this was the largest.

Dragons from all over the world tried to spread out, divide themselves across the map. It was to expose each other to different cultures, keep from having one die out.

This city had four sector ruler. One from the North, East, South, and West.

Santiago of the East. Dhriti from the North side of the city, people who've moved from Asia.

Kofi from the west side of the city. His people came from the South, mainly Africa, and are known from creating earthquakes large enough to split continents. At least according to the legends.

Gen ruled the South section, those from Europe. Like Brynjar, they were gifted with fire. Liv and Gen governed side by side. Only, Gen took Brynjar's place when he was absent, leaving Liv by herself.

But Brynjar ruled them all.

"Yes." Brynjar had both arms resting on the table, hands clasped in front of his chin.

"You leave the city for decades, only coming back when you need something. Now you expect us all to follow your command to Hell—to death." The wind picked up, stirring the papers scattering the tables. "You are only a King in name, Rune."

"Santiago and Rune used to be best buddies growing up. He's salty Rune just left one day with barely a goodbye," Malachi whispered into my ear.

I nodded and grinned. "You think they kiss and make up it'll all be good?"

Malachi chuckled. "Maybe."

Santiago glared at Malachi and I. "You want us to defend her. She isn't paying attention, the bitch—"

He sucked in a sharp breath as a small knife embedded into the wall behind him. He lifted his hand, pressing it to his neck. He pulled it away for blood to stain his tanned skin.

"I'd watch you say about me, playing nice isn't a known virtue of mine." The tip of another blade pressed into the wood table. I twisted the knife, bored.

Brynjar's hand flexed on my thigh, heating in warning. Injuring the dragons wouldn't help my case.

Santiago's face darkened a shade of red.

"Enough, Santiago." Kofi sighed, his eyes tired. "None of us came here to argue. We listen and make a decision from there."

Santiago shut his mouth tight enough for me to hear the grinding of his teeth.

Kofi clicked his pen. "This city is a sanctuary for dragons. We are not a volunteer service. We have no army, but civilians."

"We have a city patrol with plenty of dragons," Brynjar said.

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