36 | Dad-bod

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Valentino yawned and stretched next to me. "Why couldn't we have waited another day so we could all catch up on sleep?"

Alistar smacked Valentino in the back of the head. "Don't be an ass. The sooner we leave the better."

Brynjar frowned, gripping my chin and tilting it too him. "Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to leave."

"No." I dug my nails into my palms to keep my hands from shaking. 

We'd gone to a few different clinics throughout the week, getting as much blood from me as I could take.

"We can't waist anymore time." I leaned my head against Alistar's shoulder. 

The blanket we laid on began to heat from the sun. The small tarp over us did little to help cool. We'd taken the car all the way to a small opening in the desert. We were far away from any civilization.

Malachi patted my shoulder. "They're here."

A second later a car peaked into view. Then another. And another. Dust and dirt clouded behind.

Dhriti skipped out first, excitement lit on her face. "It's been so long since I've left the city. I forgot how hot it gets in other places."

Other dragons piled in. I shifted through each of them, looking to see which district leaders had come.

Gen was next, followed by Santiago. Kofi was the only dragon who didn't show.

"Why the fucking desert? I feel like my skin is being burned off every time I step outside." Santiago scratched at his skin.

"We know the territory best. It's isolated and mostly secure. If anything goes wrong, we have more control." Malachi dragged a small ice chest next to Gen. "This should be all the blood you need."

It was close to where I lived. Maybe an hour drive out.

"I hope you all filled your gas tanks full before coming?" Brynjar pulled a case of water from the car trunk. There were other ice chests, full of extra food.

"Of course." Gen started to haul everything from the cars. "This is where we're camping for the next few days?"

Brynjar nodded. "Did you bring the generators?"

Gen only rolled his eyes. "Yes. We have everything we need. Stop worrying so much."

My mate's hand only twitched at his side. "Then let's hurry and set up."

"I thought you weren't going?" I shielded my eyes from the sun as I glanced up at Gen.

He scratched the back of his neck. "So I might've talked Liv into watching all the kids by herself for a while. I missed all the action. There's nothing like the good old days, fighting for Valhalla." 

"And Kofi?" I was more surprised Santiago showed up than Kofi staying behind.

"Him and his wife are expecting a child. He doesn't want to risk leaving her alone." Gen's smile was apologetic. "He still wishes you the best." He clapped my shoulder. "Don't worry much, everything will be fine. And when this is all over, maybe you can give me a few more nieces and nephews."

It was meant to be playful but I couldn't help the sharp pain in my chest. That wasn't going to happen ever.

I struggled to keep my smile from wobbling. "Of course."

Alistar teleported to my side, hand outstretched. He was always the fastest to get to me. "Come look at this pretty rock I found."

My mates no doubt felt that pain through the bond. It wasn't something I couldn't mildly brushed off. 

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