18 | New Heir

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"Shit." I jumped forward, fixing the heel of my shoe and glaring back at Malachi. I couldn't actually see his body, my illusion covering the both of us. "Stop stepping on me."

"Be quiet, someone will hear you. And it's not my fault. I can't see your tiny body." Malachi's hand rested on my back, and he felt his way up my body until he found my shoulder. "Okay, now I shouldn't loose you."

I grumbled to myself and weaved deeper onto the castle ground.

We'd split into groups: Brynjar, Valentino, and Mirai; Alistar and Serene; Malachi and I. 

All of us entering together had too many risks. They did rock-paper-scissors over who got to go with me. Alistar was immediately disqualified. Everyone unanimously agreed he needed to go with his sister.

When we got to the ledge of one of the docs, I couldn't find a ladder anywhere near to haul myself up. "Give me a boost."

Malachi instead, wrapped his hands around my waist and begun to lift me.

"No. Give me a boost. I can get up myself." I didn't need to be lifted up to everyone's height. I just needed a little boost.

"Fine." Malachi grumbled and dropped me. He lifted one of my legs until he could cup my foot in his palms. "Go. And hurry so I can get up."

I was able to pull only half my body up, arms clawing at the wooden dock to find some more strength to lift me the rest of the way. My breasts were squished into the floor as I squirmed. I lifted one of my legs, the ankle hooking on the wood, but it didn't provide much help in lifting me anymore.

"Malachi," I whispered harshly. "Lift me higher."

"I though you said you could do it yourself, that you only needed a little boost." His tone curled, the same way his lips were probably curled.

I huffed and tried pulling myself up the rest of the way again. I sighed in defeat. "Will you help me, please?"

"You got it, babe." He lifted my body into the air with more force than necessary.

I grunted as he sent me flying onto the ground. I rolled on the dock until I sprawled out. "Asshole. I even said please."

"Back up." The wood creaked under Malachi's weight as he readied himself to launch up.

I stood by the edge of the doc, not heeding his warning. "I'm serious. Do you know how easily I bruise? I tap a counter with my waist then, bam, bruise. I'm going to be black and—"

Malachi cut me off, his body slamming into mine. Before he could completely crush me with his weight, he wrapped an arm around me and twisted so I'd land on him. "I told you to move."

I smacked his translucent hands away and scrambled up. I didn't think he was that close. "Watch where you're going. You almost ended my life."

"Token I can't eve see you. I told you to move out of the way." His hand brushed my arm, trying to find me.

"Well, I can't see you either. How was I supposed to know you were right there." I could tell where he was actually. It was my illusion, my powers connected directly to me. I only wasn't paying attention.

"Whatever." Malachi finally found my bicep, dragging me towards one of the towers.

"Where are we supposed to be going again?" I fell behind Malachi, fingers hooked in his belt loops so I wouldn't loose him.

"Throne room. Sonder should be getting back from the temple right about know." Malachi rested a hand over mine, guiding us through the buildings.

To be officially accepted as the new king, Sonder needed the head priest's blessing. He needed the priest to throne him to truly ascend. 

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