14 | Really? More Secrets

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"Okay." I pulled out a chair from the table, straddling it to face everyone gathered in the room. I'd woken up this morning with determination.

Valentino rubbed his eyes, yawning. "Why are we doing this so early? Can't it wait another few hours?"

"No." I huffed. I'd been meaning to get this off my chest, scold everyone. There were no excuses for this. Absolutely none.

"Uh oh. You guys are in trouble." Mirai snickered to herself. She was only here to observe, be my mediator in a way. This had nothing to do with her.

Malachi kicked her chair, sending her several inches back. "How do you know it's not you who's in trouble too?"

She smirked. "Because I'm still in first place, and I never lie to Token."

It was true. I'd had known her situation from the beginning. When she'd moved in permanently, she'd opened up and confirmed and suspicions I had. 

We were only struggling to find out where her powers and wings came from. Her father hadn't had wings or much magic. We knew he was her biological parent. Mirai didn't remember much of her mother. It was possible she had a different birth mother from the one she remembered.

That and black wing were unique. Wings were unique in general, but solid black wings. Even the guys were unsure of Mirai. We'd figure her out another day though.

"Let's just get this over with." Valentino sighed.

I tapped the chair with my finger, unsure of how to gently scold them. Actually, there was no need for gentleness.

"No more secrets. I'm already pissed at him"—I jabbed a finger at Alistar—"for not telling me he's a prince. If any of you have anything important to tell me, now would be the time. No more surprises and bullshit."

"Hold on." Malachi tossed his hands in the air. "You were the one who started hiding a bunch of this bullshit in the first place. Why are we the ones getting in trouble?"

"I already got enough lectures from you all about that. And it's all out in the open, everything about me. It's your turn now." I pierced him with a glare. I knew I wasn't the only one harboring secrets.

He crossed his arms and dragged his hand through his dreadlocks. "Fine."

"Awesome. We'll start with you since you so kindly volunteered." Valentino snickered and I snapped my head to him. "You're next."

He wisely shut his mouth and I turned back to Malachi. "You're not a prince too, are you? Or is there some hierarchy in you past or crap I should know about?"

Malachi shook his head. "Anything and everything that mattered is gone now." I gave him a pointed look. "I mean it. Every family member I had, my entire village I grew up in—it's all gone. I've already checked."

"Thank you." I twisted the chair to face Valentino. "And you?"

He lifted his hands in surrender. "You know about as much as I do. My mom never talked about our family and I still don't know who my dad is. I know I got my persuasion and lie detecting powers from my father since my mom was fully human, but that's about it."

"And your mom's side?" We already knew his father had to have some demon blood. Though, it wasn't royal demon blood from his fathers side. If there was the tiniest bit royal demon blood, he wouldn't be an incubus. Royal demon blood was too strong to hide, no matter how diluted.

Valentino's demon blood was strong enough to give him abilities, but diluted enough for him to not be a full demon. Incubus were a small mix of demon blood and another being. It was similar to witches and warlocks, except they didn't have any demon blood and weren't very powerful. Demon blood was an entire game changer.

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