Bonus Chapter | Alistar

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There were many thing Alistar never expected from his mate. One of those was her willingly wearing a wedding gown. Another happened to be letting Valentino take full charge of what gown she put on. Both were happening in front of his eyes.

The moan ripped from Token's lips was not one of pleasure. "Valentino, it's too tight. I can't breathe."

Valentino only tugged at the laces of the white corset further. Between his teeth were multiple fabric clips he used to adjust the skirt. He looked at Token through the mirror, then Alistar, asking for help.

Alistar raised his eyebrows, as if he hadn't understood what Valentino was trying to say. It wasn't like Valentino could talk with his mouth occupied.

Valentino let out a groan, turning back to fix the dress on Token.

By the time Valentino had finished, Token had run out of complaints. Alistar wasn't sure if it was because she gave up or if she really couldn't breathe in the gown. His bets were on her suffocating. He also bet Valentino one more hour before Token snapped at him.

Token looked in the mirror with a frown. "I don't like it."

Her hair was thrown into a hasty bun. It wasn't meant to be appealing. She only needed something to pull her hair from her face and body so they could see the gown.

The gown itself was strapless. The corset top left her collarbones on display. Lace and pearls scattered the silk material until it pooled at her feet. The dress was beautiful. She was beautiful.

But it didn't fit her.

"Neither do I." Alistar didn't bother to hide his displeasure. "Want me to help you out of it?"

Valentino shooed Alistar into his seat when he tried to stand. "Now you offer help?"

Alistar shrugged. "I'm better at helping her out of clothes rather than in." 

He knew the dress wouldn't fit her from the second Valentino pulled it out of his exclusive collection at the back of his store. He was certain Valentino and Token knew it wouldn't be the one either. But Token had let Valentino take full control of the wedding and Valentino had too much pride to ever admit there was something that wouldn't look good on Token. 

He was right. At least, he was only right about how nothing could look bad on Token. She made everything beautiful, even her favorite sweats she wore so much there were tears in the seams. There were only clothes that didn't match who she was.

Valentino only sighed and unclipped the dress, loosening the corset. "Nothing is good enough."

The entire week had been dedicated to dress shopping. They'd gone to Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, and now Valentino's shop in New York. They were contemplating flying out of country to find a dress after today.

"I thought you were going to make my dress." While Token had a scowl set on her face, there was a small plea in her voice—disappointment, sadness. 

Alistar couldn't stand to see her that way. It made him feel as if Valentino had kicked a puppy. Except that puppy was his beloved mate. And she was staring straight into his soul, begging him for help. That only made the heartache a million times worse.

Valentino choked on his words. Alistar knew he saw that same disappointment in her eyes. "I said I'd design your dress, not make it. I don't have the time to make your wedding dress while I try to organize and plan your entire wedding."

"Did you do it?" Alistar watched as the dress came loose, slipping down Token's body to expose her bare breasts.

"Do what?" Valentino watched the material pool down to her feet. His eyes dragged up the curves of her body, finally focusing on the wall in front of him. Goosebumps erected down her skin.

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