38 | Through the Tall Grass

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A map was held down by knives on the corners. There were three cities equally spaced to create a triangle. In a lighter color, tunnels were drawn over the map. The tunnels weaved throughout the world, eventually connecting the the center. That's where the resistance base was.

Rej, the demon who'd first knocked us out, pointed to largest city on the map. "That's where you guys landed, on the outskirts of Gehenna. The Palace is in the center of the Capital."

"What's the easiest way to get there?" If we were to overthrow an entire government, I was going to try and get it done as fast as I can.

"Underground. Through sewage and tunnels. It's the only undetectable way."

Brynjar shifted his weight, fists clenched. He wouldn't be able to shift underground.

"Everyone's going to be underground?" While I didn't mind getting a little messy, I wasn't looking forward to walking through shit and piss.

Rej shook his head. "Most of us will head to the surface in the open fields, before Gehenna, to start a rebellion. That'll take a good portion of the army outside the city, giving En the opportunity to get inside the castle."

"What about the remaining princes?"

En sighed. "Zilia is still pissed about you guys fucking his face up, but I'm not too worried about him. At the end of the day he's practically harmless."

Malachi choked. "Harmless? The fucker needs to be dead."

He raised a brow at Malachi. "Out of all of our siblings, Zilia is the weakest. He always has been. It's why he's so jealous of Krenari, our eldest brother. If you can handle Gier, you can handle Zilia. I'm more worried about Krenari and Frossare."

"Which one's Frossare?" Valentino toyed with his ink bracelets. I twined our fingers together.

"Sixth Prince of Hell, the Prince of Gluttony. I haven't seen anyone match his strength before, not even Gier who could turn his flesh to stone."

"It's Krenari that worries you most though, isn't it?" I squeezed Valentino's hand, looking for some strength. I remember the stories En would tell me growing up.

He nodded. "Krenari, Frossare, and our mother."

"What about your father?" Brynjar rested his had at the nape of my neck. With a small squeeze he sent a wave of heat down my body, calming my nerves.

En glanced at Brynjar's hand wrapped around my neck, then Valentino's hand clutching mine. He frowned. "Our father's title is his only strength. He's grown weak, or maybe he always was. I can't remember a time where I've seen him hold any power besides what comes with his title. It's why Token is so precious. She's his token to true power."

I blinked at his last few words. "You named me because I'm a tool."

He waved his hands. "Try naming a child in a language and culture you don't understand. Besides, I think it's adorable."

Malachi snorted. "Mirai's secondary name means future and you haven't bothered to change it. Both are cute names."

I scowled. Mirai had told me it was the name her mother would call her growing up, not the one she was assigned at birth. Her mother had always bragged about how she's be the one to change the future. "But she likes being called Mirai."

En tilted his head. "Mirai? Don't tell me this another lover. I don't think I can handle more."

Valentino gagged. The thought of Mirai being anything other than my child had me cringing. "No, she's my child."

He choked. "A child?" He took a deep breath and held it until his cheeks tinged red. "Her name's Mirai? How old is she?"

"Mirai was the name she was given growing up. It fit the country she was born into. Her birth name is Derdekea. She's 11."

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