good old days- steve rogers

222 3 3

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Words: ~2.2k

Summary: In which the great Captain America wins over the hearts of both you and your family.

Warnings: none. Just a ton of fluff and cringe :)

A/N: To clarify, you're 31 in this and Steve's 33. and we're once again, imagining his winter soldier look because that era was just *chefs kiss*

"Y/N, darling! How have you been?" your grandmother spoke excitedly, "How is the superhero life?"

"It's good, Grandma, I'm okay," you responded as you held your phone up closer to your ear, "so what did you call me for?"

"It's been a while since I was last able to see you, so I wanted to check and see when you were available so we could have supper together? My noodles aren't going to eat themselves, you know." You could practically visualize her winking at the statement. She knew you were a sucker for her beef-broth noodles.

"Yeah, I'd love to! Anytime this week works for me," you replied. "Is tomorrow night okay?"

"Perfect! Friday at 6 it is. And one more thing, dear?"

"What is it?"

"Both Grandpa and I have been wanting to meet the lovely Captain America, if you could get him to come along, that would be great. And you're always talking about him every time we call you, so it'd be even better seeing him in real life!"

"Oh, yeah," you chuckled, "I'll go ask him in a bit. I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Bye, sweetheart," she trilled, "I'm going to go on a grocery run and get some apples for you guys. Talk to you later."

You ended the call and slid your phone in your pocket, making your way down the halls to the kitchen where Steve had just returned from his morning run, sipping an ice-cold Gatorade.

"Hey, what's up," he gave you a small smile. "You need something?"

"Uh, actually, yeah," you scratched the back of your neck as you thought of a way to ask without sounding too desperate, "so I'm going to go visit my grandparents...who happen to be huge Steve Rogers fans..."

"And you want me to come along?" he finished off your sentence. "That sounds good, I don't mind."

"She's making beef know, the ones she sent for Thanksgiving last year..."

"Okay, now I'm totally in," he replied quickly, setting his drink down with an eager look in his eyes. "That soup was so good, and I'm not missing out on a chance to have some more."

"I owe you one, Cap! Love you! Bye!" you shouted as you walked away and went up to the training facility where Natasha and Wanda were. "See you later!"

"I love you too," he shook his head and smiled to himself as you disappeared around the corner.

The smile lingered on his face for a few minutes even after you'd left.


"Okay, so I'm warning you right now that they're huge Steve Rogers fans," you took in a deep breath as you parked Tony's Audi into the driveway, "so if they jump at you...I'm really sorry."

"No no, it's fine," he chuckled, "I get it."

You reached forward to ring the doorbell and almost instantly, the door opened.

"So this is the lovely Mr. Rogers that my beautiful granddaughter keeps telling me about! Lovely to see you, Captain, we're huge fans of yours," she smiled warmly as you and Steve stepped into the house together, giving you a tight hug and shaking Steve's hand. "I'm Marisa."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now