competitive- steve rogers

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"Come on, Y/L/N! Hit me with what you got!" your best friend, Steve, shouted over all the noise of the punching and general training. "One more time!"

"Alright," You shook your head and threw another punch at his chest pads, doing so with so much force that you knocked him back, making him stumble. Collective shouts and whistles burst out across the room.

"Yessss!" You pumped your fist in the air before offering him a hand to help him up.

"Wow," he panted, "that, was, pretty, damn, impressive." Then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "But not as impressive as what I can do!"

He tended to brag sometimes, not in a mean way, but he could become pretty goofy when he chose.

"So you wanna try me, huh, Rogers?" You stood up to your full height, which was still half a foot shorter than him. "You call yourself talented...but I think that flinging a giant patriotic Frisbee doesn't require much skill..."

"Ooooooh! You just got ROASTED, Stevie!" Bucky yelled from where he was sitting and taking a break. "Are you going to take that?"

"Well, at least I'm taller than you by ten thousand feet." Trash-talking was a typical thing for you so you never got hurt by what he would say.

You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. "Only by five inches!"

"Seven and a quarter, actually." You walked with him to the other side of the room to go get a drink of water and take a five-minute rest.

He smirked at you and rested his arm on your head just to prove dominance. "Ahh, shorties make really good armrests, you would know if you were taller...but you're a shortie..."

You stood up on your tiptoes, annoyed. "See! I'm taller now!" You flailed your arms around wildly causing him to laugh. "Now I'm almost as tall as you!"

"Nope, still short." He patted your head, chuckling lightly.

You tried going on your tiptoes again to prove you weren't that short, but were taken by surprise when he lifted you up into the air. "Steve!" you shrieked, letting out a high-pitched scream. "L-let me down!"

On the inside, you were blushing slightly because you could basically reach out and touch his biceps because you were so close. Ignore that! Don't be stupid, Y/N, don't think stupid thoughts, you told yourself. Steve's just a best friend who likes to tease me for my height...

"Hmm...what about hand size..." Steve thought for a moment as he set you back down on the ground, still laughing over your reaction. He put his hand up to yours and you felt this sudden surge of electricity...which was weird.

You'd never experienced that before with him, so why was it happening now? And did he feel it, too?

Ew, if this was really like all those other cliche moments, this would make you realize that you had feelings for him. But you didn't. He was just a really, really close friend whom you joked around a lot with.


"My hand is bigger than yours," he stated confidently as he examined your nimble fingers. "Yours are like, the miniature version! How adorable."

"It's not adorable! You know, if I grew my nails out I could reach out and scratch you, you know that, right?"

"Still. Adorable." He poked the tip of your nose, causing you to crinkle it. He couldn't help but notice how cute you actually looked when you did that and how cute you looked when you got mad at him.

"Not! Cute!" you exclaimed, making a 'hmph' sound and pouting, turning away from him to take another sip out of your water bottle.

"Cute... shortie..." he whispered under his breath, and you whipped your head around.

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