it's all fun and games until...- peter parker (part 1)

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It was a lazy Sunday at the Avengers HQs, and you and your BFF on the team, Peter, decided to play a few video games but got bored of them all relatively quickly. "Y/NNNNNN," he whined. "We've literally gone through every single game, even Modern Warfare and Fortnite, and there's basically nothing left for us to do!"

"Well..." you thought as you munched on a snickerdoodle. "There's still one game left..." You rummaged through the drawers until you found what you were looking for, pulling it out.

"Mario Kart? Oh, yeah. We can play that!" He took the disc out and inserted it into the console.

"Ah, Mario Kart," Clint sighed as he walked into the kitchen to grab a drink. "The game that destroys all friendships and relationships."

"It can't be that bad, right?" Peter asked curiously.

"It can." He suddenly turned serious. "Nat played me once, and she wouldn't talk to me for three days after she lost. Be careful, children."

"Oh, they're going to play Mario Kart? Yep, that game will make people hate each other. It nearly started Civil War 2 between Tony and Steve," Sam said as he too walked in to get something to drink, "Y/N, Steve was in last place, your dad in third, and he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen, 'Cursed! This game is cursed!'"

"Eh, whatever."

"Ooh, Clint, we should watch!" Sam exclaimed as he plopped on the couch.

"Toad's Turnpike...Luigi's Mansion...Koopa Troopa Beach...Rainbow Road!" Peter pointed excitedly at the TV.

"Sounds fun," you agreed. "Let's make a bet. Loser hands over twenty dollars and the winner gets to ask the loser to do whatever they want or go wherever they want with them for a day. Got it?"

"Shake on it," he responded, sticking his hand out, and you shook hands with him, which for some reason, sent sparks up your fingers.


"Rainbow Road? Yeah, now I remember, that was the level that tears everyone apart," Clint nodded towards the TV, soda can in hand.

The round started, and you zipped through the first few seconds with ease, shooting up to fifth place. Peter was right behind, in sixth.

"Damn, y'all are good," Sam applauded you guys.

The second lap was similar, you weren't far behind each other, this time you were in eighth, him in seventh.

Then, it started to get bad around the beginning of the third lap. Things were getting increasingly difficult, and along with the rising difficulty, Peter got more and more frustrated. He was now lagging behind, in twelfth place.

"Ugh, what the hell is wrong with this stupid track! Rainbow Road sucks ass!" Peter groaned as his car was flipped over by a Luigi. He attempted to dodge more obstacles but failed, falling into the endless void that was known as space. Continuing to grumble as he respawned at the very beginning of the road, he mumbled a colorful string of swears under his breath.

"It's not my fault I'm in first and you're in twelfth," you shrugged, acting innocent. At these words, he plucked your controller out of your hands and tossed it to the side, sending you careening off of the track.

"Peter, jeez!" You threw your arms up in the air. "Now I have to restart! And I was this close to finishing!" You held your fingers together with little space between them.

"You cannot win the bet! I am not going to hand over my precious money or submit to your will!"

You took the controller back, regaining control of your car. "Well, it's not like you're going to win. I'm pretty confident that I will take the dub, and that you suck at this game."

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